Vaginal Infection?

I am a teenager, && i lost my virginity around 2 months ago!...i have a huge globe blocking the opening of my vagina, it dosent hurt, but im really worried give or take a few it, and i find it very difficult to speak to my parents about this kinda stuff because they dnt know that im not a virgin...i hold itching around my vagina also, please can someone help me, im really worried

I own been developing holes in my butt crack and within is also oozing. What is this?

You could talk to your institution nurse who can give you information and counsel; sometimes easier than going straight to your GP.
Or go to a GUM clinic, you should be able to find out where on earth your local one is by googling GUM and your area. Usually you can merely drop in and can achieve help and information, and any treatment you inevitability informally. Also it would not be your regular doctor so may cut down on any embarressment.
Hope that helps, flawless luck. You really do need to travel and see someone though. soon. It might be nothing but until you bite the bullet and walk you don't know :)

For woman only: when do you ovulate?

Get to the doctor


How long does a fibrous uterus bleed after its be operated on and what location does the doctor cut into?

u obligation to go to a doctor.


best of luck. my wishes to ya!

A really unusual question.?

You call for to see your GP. You might have picked up a STD (sexually transmitted disease) The sooner you seize some treatment the better.

Abnormal pap with soaring grade lesionshelp?

Get to the doctor. Go to a ethnic group planning clinic if you won't tell your parents.

Is discharge average every day for girls?

If you cant homily to your parents then find an fully developed that you feel comfortable discussion to and ask them to take you to a womens clinic it is not everyday at any time to have itching

Has any woman here have an orgasm while losing her virginity?

Dear oh dear!..I can't stress this enough...PLEASE MAKE HIM WEAR A CONDOM!!

Can a entity get pregnant from cunnilingus?

This is not regular - itchines may be thrush and could be treated by an over the counter product, but this swelling is not good. Please dance the doc asap for you own sake.

Had cervical procedure, would orgasm hurt me?

You must go and see a doctor. This is a problem that could end in you much distress and my get worse efficiently. Arrange an appointment with your doctor ASAP. Even if its nought, it is better to be safe than sorry.

Oh yeah, you should also practice past the worst sex. There are a lot of STIs out nearby and some people dont even realise they hold one. So again its better to be safe than sorry.

I want to lose my love handles!! and my belly?

did you check to seee what the orb was
the condom did'nt leak off inside...
I would see a doctor though
and right luck with that..

How multi-orgasm is different from orgasm?

That doesn't nouns very regular!! Go to a doctor & confront you'r parents now!! Sorry hun!! You did a pretty stupid entry & can't take on this impediment in go w/out support from you'r parents.Hope that this helps!

What is the CAUSE of a woman's body NOT producing progesterone?

see your GP clearly, don't feel embarrssed in the order of it because its important to lift care of yourself!
it conceivably something hormonal or some kind of infection, so don't verbs about it, a moment ago go as soon as poss so you can procure the right meds to sort it out. unfortunately as women we capture lots of uncomfortable things resembling that but always best to wish treatment early so it doesn't turn into any complicted infection.
hope you grain better soon, take fastidiousness of yourself

A question in the region of an epidural during surgery?

Ur best option is to run to ur GP. The wont be able to communicate your parents anything regarding ur appointment so u neednt verbs about them finding out. Take nurture and try not to worry too much it might be something really simple but its best to grasp it checked out.

Has anyone ever tried taking Dong Quai?

The description you give is disturbing, but not diagnostic. I consider you should see your GP and find out what is going on.

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