What is the CAUSE of a woman's body NOT producing progesterone?

And what effects will your body have if you don't cart medication such as Provera?

What should i bring to someona at the hospital?

That's something that will vary from individual to individual, and is best answered by an endocrinologist. One opening or another the answer will lie contained by the ovaries and most commonly, I'd think, next to Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS).

Without the use of synthetic hormones, a woman lacking progesterone won't hold normal menstrual cycles. However, next to proper diagnostic work and investigation into the cause of the hormone inequality, there may be better treatment for it (eliminating or address the cause of the inequality rather than simply putting in the missing hormone blindly) that will cause other condition improvements as well.

If this is something you're dealing beside, please see an endocrinologist!

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