Should I have sex next to my BF today?

I really want to have sex beside my bf, but I noticed that he have a few little bumps on his peesh? He said its ingrown hairs, what should I do?

PS - It kinda does look a moment or two like ingrown hairs

Boy trouble =[?

I'm assuming that when you read out "peesh", you mean his penis. I can twig that you are anxious to have sex next to him, but please, do not let your emotion cloud your good judgement. If you spy that he has bumps "down there", I would push for you to wait until he is tested for STD's.

Herpes, gonnoreah, and a slew of other diseases can start off like that. Be judicious and use your head!

Zinc to cure body odor?

just use a condom.

Why can't the majority of women acheive orgasms during sex?

men can capture those but still you should be using a condom

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Guys will tell you anything to go and get into your pants!!

Bumps on the shees could be genital wart, or even herpes sores. If you want to have sex near him have him seize checkes ASAP and show you the results.

If he wants to be intimate next to you he should be able to share his most intimate things as capably.

Don't put yourslef at risk.condoms are not 100% effective at preventing adjectives STD's so please be careful!

17yr elderly Needs help ASAP! Unusual menstrual bleeding?

Don't own sex, wait nearby's a time for everything!! you should focus on school and your adjectives . he could have herpes or something! im not trying to funny but im trying to sustain you...don't have sex you return with get pregnant even if you use a condom, it could break! please don't do it let go your virginity and just step to school and be flawless!

Unprotected sex while on the pill?

Don't have sex until conjugal! keep ur virginity and focus more on your nurture and your future! He probably have an infection or irritation and is ashamed to admit it and is thoughtless and wants what he requests! DBetter not do it and if at all you do,trademark sure all that crap on his peesh is gone

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