Boy trouble =[?

Me and my boyfriend have be together about 5 months. In the launch, [[first 2 months probably]] He would do anything to be able to see me. He would other put me first. He used to say things approaching "If you ever broke up with me I would cry for days", "No other girl have ever made me feel approaching this, your so perfect for me" or he would of late call to see how my light of day was going and see what I be up to.
Now he almost acts as if he's tired of me. Im so upset that he really is. He still always tell me im beautiful and that he loves me but very soon its like im almost later priority =[ I always put him first, if within might be a way I can see him I will find it. But lately he have just seem tired of me. Why is he doing this? Its like within the beginning stages he be really really attached to me but now he isnt as much at adjectives! I hate it. What can I say aloud to him to help him become conscious how I feel. Please comfort, I dont know what to do!
Thank you.

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Sit down and talk to him and see whats be going on and see if there's something on his mind and if he requests to talk something like it but if there is and he doesn't want to speak about it construct him because it could be something serious not to scare you or anything here. But I've be with my fiancee for 4 months so its smaller amount than you and your boyfriend and we hit a rough spot and I sat him down to find out why he be acting so weird and it be because he thought I wasn't putting him first even tho I was and now that I retribution all my attention to him and plan more things for us to do on the days be together were better so possibly it can work for you...if you need to sermon me just im me my im is contained by my profile.

My Vagina has be starting to smell.Badwhat is it? is it bad?

im no boy expert, but sit him down and collaborate to him. tell him what his whereabouts are doing to your emotions.

Girls individual plz help?

maybe u guys obligation 2 "spice things up" hahaha jk. u guys just requirement to hang out and be together. only just talk 2 him so he remembers what its similar to 2 be with you.

possibly he isnt tired of you. maybe hes busy or some piece :(

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Are you guys teens? Sounds like both of you are youthful. I would say that he sounds small. He probably was never within love with you, sorry to utter this but if he did love you he would not be acting like this. This sounds similar to how kids act when they give attention to their in love. You did love this guy but he in recent times seems unused kind that confuses love next to someother feeling. He is not the right guy for you. he requests to grow up. If he did love you he would still be with you and into you. Now it seem like he lost interest. You should try chitchat to him seriously but if he doesn't wanna try to be honest with you catch over him, you don't need a fraud, playing boy like that. Fine a guy that after years of individual together he'll still treat you like his number one priority and not lug you for granted like this guy. Good luck!

Is it reality that sex in morning in more lovely..?

This need not be a crisis.
I conjecture your relationship is moving on in to the "I love you stage" and you want it to stay in the "I am in love with you" stage...
Enjoy sitting on the gallery talking a bit that smooching each other.
It only the next stage of a fine relationship, and you two don't know how to deal near it.

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