I expect i may enjoy a yeast infection, but i am not sure because I hold never have one.?

It itches "inside" where I cant reach, the outside burns and it is VERY sensitive when i wipe. It burns when I wipe near soap ( i used ivory and johnsons baby wash) too. There is nothing surrounded by my panties but today i took a black towel and stuck it up there, when I pulled it out there be like clumpy white stuff on it. I did it again and there it be again. yes , i did smell it, it is my body, and it had NO smell. it doesnt stink. I'm not sure what this is. what do i do? when will this stop

Will sit ups oblige?

It is a yeast infection, you have adjectives of the symptoms. It will not stop until you go to the pharmacy and buy an over the counter antifungal (like Monistat).

Kinda gross ..but im upset..!!?

I actually own a yeast infection right now and I have never have one before. When I first discovered I had it, it be because I experienced an uncomfortable itch, and it hurt to be pleasured sexually. Later, I noticed a burning sensation externally on my vagina, and after I smelled the discharge. It is truly unbelievable because the discharge will smell like actual yeast, such as beer or bread. However, you may hold the beginning stages of a yeast infection and the smell will come a bit later.

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Please shift to your doctor to get properly diagnosed if this is your first time dealing with a possible yeast infection. It sounds close to a yeast infection but your doctor can tell you for sure. Yeast medications such as monistat can mete out yeast to develop resistance to it if used inappropriately (i.e. if you actually have another charitable of infection and use it incorrectly). Once the doctor diagnose you for the first time, you will learn to recognize the symptoms and can self treat it.


its not going to stop until you take some cream. if you don't hurry up and get this taken care of it will turn into a urinary tract infection which is soo much worse! Go to your neighborhood drug store and by some micanazole 3. It is a cream that take only 3 days of treatment. It will also come with a numbing/itching cream for the itching. I know you want to itch but please don't it make it so much worse. you can end up with cuts up nearby and on the outside. that will take even longer to heal. Go in a minute to the drugstore! god bless and good luck

Really big discharge what should I do?

Quite probably a yeast infection - you can get treatment for it over the counter at the pharmacy.

If you've never have a yeast infection before, it's best to go to the doctor and seize it checked out, just to make sure. Some other things hold quite similar symptoms.

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A few quick home remedies for yeast infections:

1. Seriously, cut out ALL SUGAR. Yeast thrives on sugar. It's resembling an instant reaction when you eat some.
2. If you hold any, take acidophilus. It helps to verbs the bad yeast, because it likes unpromising yeast as much as sugar likes bad yeast.
3. If you own some cheese cloth (unlikely) or some gauze, put some olive oil or other natural vegetable grease on it and wrap it tightly around a peeled clove of garlic! Insert it...I've never done this so I don't know if it stings or not but it is an extremely powerful antifungal.

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It sounds like you do enjoy a yeast infection. Go to the drug store and get something for it. Monistat ovules are decent. Use it up to that time you go to bed and you will be fine in a couple days. There is also an external anti-itch cream for the outer areas. Until next, avoid using harsh soaps in the nouns.


call your doctor. he may want to fit you in for a drop by. it sounds like a yeast infection though. if you can't go to the doctor, i use monistat 1-night ovule. you put it within before you go to bed. inwardly a few days, the infection should be gone.

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well if you don't go to the doctor and use monistat, it could if truth be told do harm. call a doctor first, the OB/GYN (gynochologist). it does nouns like a yeast infection, only yeast infections should hold a powerful smell.

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you can go to the store (like walmart). they have a pocket home test almost like a pregnancy oral exam..but for yeast infections.it will tell you by color if it is or isn't an infection

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Go to the doc for a correct and proper diagnosis! Especially if this is your first yeast infection.

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if its inside, it a yeast infection. If its you urethra, its a bladder infection. Both itch and burn, see your doctor

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Stop typing and get to a gynecologist soon.

Im lost, what does it tight?

Get Monistat.

Going crazy.?

GO TO YOUR DOCTOR!! by the road it is said that are not supposed to use soap directly on your vagina.. BUT TALK TO YOUR DOCTOR you should ask him/her!

Is this serious? should i see a doctor?

A yeast infection feels like an intense itching, burning sensation, localized contained by your vagina and vulva. this itching is not always present, but can get really discouraging, so bad you can hardly stride, let alone ride your bike to the pharmacy or doctor to get it treated. They are trouble-free to treat with over the counter medication like monistat. If the med doesn't cure you or you are not sure after see a doctor. Sitting in a cool bath will back if you can't get the medicine right away but after you start the pills you will get some relief urgently.

- looks like clumpy nasty white stuff. most medical descriptions compare the discharge to ricotta cheese, but it can list from thick and not clumpy to faintly pallid to thin and clear.

recognizing other types of infections

- a bacterial infection of the vagina can get the impression a lot like a yeast infection if the vulval nouns is itchy or painful. unlike a yeast infection, the discharge can be dark pale, green, or brown. and it won't smell like bread: it can smell like fish or something rotting, especially after you have sex. if you think you might own a bacterial infection, or if you're not sure, get your diseased self to a doctor, sister. the main treatment is prescription antibiotics.

- urinary tract infections, or UTIs, are due to microbes infecting the urethra rather than the vagina. (and if you aren't sure about the difference, check out goblin sternberg's page on the sexual anatomy of women.) UTIs can be fairly easily distinguished from vaginal infections by a host of symptoms, including cramp or burning when urinating, blood or mucus in urine, needing to urinate commonly, pain or pressure in rear or lower abdomen, and a fever or chills. if you believe you might have a UTI, don't mess around: go see a doctor, because the infection can travel up previous the bladder, causing kidney damage.

- trichomoniasis is cause by a parasite that can infect both the vagina and the urinary tract, and is primarily sexually transmitted. if you have a trich infection, your crotch can be itchy or painful, it can hurt to urinate, intercourse can be itchy, and occasionally you can experience pain in your lower belly. again, you have to see a doctor to get antibiotics for trich.

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