Birth control pill?

This is the first time I'm taking the birth control pills. after what pill am I supposed to get my spell? I'm supposed to start the white one tomorrow.

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Okay, depending on which on your on, there could change colors. If your getting ready to start the concluding row, section of the pills is your container your term should be sometime this week. They didn't have you start on a Sunday? Usually they hold you start your first pill the first Sunday on or after your period.

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It would be in the fourth week, so on the darkest colored one. Mine is dark green, but yours may diverge.

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usually after 1 - 3 days on the white pills. But do know that as this is your first month that your body may still be adjusting and it may not adjectives happen as it is supposed to. Even if you do not gain it just maintain taking those pills especially for the first month - take them as usual as the pack say do not miss any.

About a period..?

If you are taking the placebo pills starting tomorrow, you should be getting you're time of year maybe 3-4 days after. You will bring you're period while on these white pills ,but even if you are not done your spell, you need to start the clean pack after your LAST white pill is done. Don't skip any days!!

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I was told to start my pill on the first morning I started my period, but if you be told not to do that, than you'll probably still remain on your same cycle, and when you do have it, the pill will regulate it much better, but don't miss a pill or give somebody a lift it at the wrong time, because than you'll have your time and it sucks!

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your length may come after taking of the 2 last white tablet and when you are currently on the brown tablet.

but you said you are starting to the untried pack.better ask your gyno why is this happen.

pills may use to regulate the blood flow.

Does it issue that im on my period more than once contained by a month?

I started 4 days after taking the sugar pills. This is the first month i was on the pill. Its different for everone and you lately started the pill so it might be screwed for the first month.

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It depends. Do you have 28 pills contained by your case? If so, you should start your interval some time after you take the 21st pill. The pills surrounded by the last week of a 28 daylight case are placebo pills that are in attendance just so that you won't gain out of the habit of taking a pill every sunshine.

If you have a armour that only have 21 pills, it will come after your last pill. Then you enjoy to remember to start back up on the right afternoon (usually a Sunday) after your period begin.

Your period won't necessarily come the markedly next time after your last "real" pill, any. Mine usually comes four days after I take the ending real pill.

P.S. Different brand pills are different colors, so yours may diverge from other women's.

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you should gain your period sometime inside the last seven pills surrounded by your pack..

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usually on the last week of respectively pack of pills. . . . those are usually the inactive ones

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