I think I might hold PCOS..?

I certainly hold many of the symptoms. I've simply had two period in times gone by year and during my last one, it last two weeks. But it'd stop bleeding and then start a few hours next. I'm also overweight and get these pimple-like things lower than my armpits and between my thighs. I heard that shaking and depression be also involved with PCOS. Which I hold that. The problem is, my mom doesn't believe me. She thinks its adjectives in my mind and I'm diagnosing myself near a syndrome I don't have. She say that my getting my period two times a year is "normal" and that she go through it too. She wants to put me on birth control which supposedly just worsens PCOS. What should I do?

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Birth control does not worsen PCOS. It treats it. It's basically the simply treatment. If you do have PCOS, you should attain on birth control right away.

And how old are you? You mention your mom, so I guess you are a child, so I wouldn't verbs too much about lone 2 periods contained by a year. But under usual circumstances, that would be a huge sign that you need to see a doctor.

Anyway, to attain birth control, you need to see a gyno. And you obligation to bring all of this up near the gyno, and get tested and treated if it turns out that you do enjoy something like PCOS.

If I get hold of a hormone imbalance issue taken assistance of can I count on some of the symptoms to go away? Possibly PCOS

you call for to see a gyn who deals near pco. pco puts you at risk for heart disease, diabetes, high cholesterol, lofty blood pressure, infertility and uterine cancer. your doctor can give you more info and evaluate for the above. your mom is right roughly speaking the pill, you should be on the pill. it does NOT make pco worse, it help control the symptoms, regulates the period and prevents uterine cancer. your mom is wrong something like your periods, 2 contained by one year is NOT normal

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PCOS is one of the lots results of hormonal imbalances. The hormone that influences this the most is probably insulin (believe it or not). My niece be trying to get pregnant, and be diagnosed with PCOS as the judgment for her inability. The doctor put her on metformin, the same medication my doctor have me on for my diabetes. She got pregnant, but I still own my diabetes.

I found red raspberry to be very significant in preventing the symptoms of ovarian cyst rupture, however, you don't appear to own gone that far yet. If your PCOS is due to giant insulin, it would explain why you and your mother are having similar problems, because you may own inherited the hyperinsulinemia from her.

There is some info nearly blood sugar imbalances (the result of hyperinsulinemia too) at www.hufa.org. The symptoms join may explain to you how these are all possibly related.

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