Sleeping pills and Ruptured Membranes?

I was prescribed it because of trouble sleeping during my ending weeks of pregnanct because of constant contractions. I finally decided to give somebody a lift one last hours of darkness because I could NOT sleep. Anyway, I took it around midnight and I still feel it surrounded by my system. I can barely hold on to my eyes open still. Is it supposed to be contained by my system this long?

NEXT QUESTION:When your water breaks and you don't realize it because the amount is so small that you are leak, do you eventually start getting contractions on your own. The reason I ask is because I'm 37 weeks and I've be having constant contractions since Sunday every 2-3 minutes. I be sent home from the hospital 3 times because nothing is shifting with my cervix. This morning when I woke up I notice that my panties were for a moment wet and within was a procession of fluid from the middle of my panties to the back. I be laying on my vertebrae. I took a shower and I still feel a great deal of wetness down there but not a flow. Will my contractions catch stronger

K k i give up what is goin on beside me?

If you feel that you are leak, and it is more than just discharge, see your doctor! You might own a pinhole in your water, and if i.e. the case, you will be induced and own your baby! It isn't undamaging to stay at home with a hole surrounded by your water, open you up to infection! Better safe than sorry!! Good luck!

Dryness near UTI?

If you are leaking you should stir to the hospital and they will give you a piece of rag to test the fluid within your panties...this is to see if it is amniotic fluid. go progress go! contractions can rob a wile to kick contained by...up to 24 hrs. If you have not have the child by then they will probably afford you drugs to jump start exciting! well-mannered luck

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