Please abet, I've get extreme vaginal burning and itching

I've been having symptoms for something like four days, it's been progressing with respectively day. I've been itching pretty fruitless and my external vaginal area is burning as well. I tried every possible home remedy I could reflect of but I think I might have irritated the skin a bit bit more (I've used apple cider vinegar, hydrogen peroxide, garlic, etc) the only thing that relieves the itch temporarily is yogurt and vaseline. Every cream I use have burned (vagasil, monistat). I bought the 7 day Monistat cream, the external cream that comes in the pack still burned...I feel a little better this morning after inserting the applicator overnight but now I'm put money on to severely itching. I'm trying not to go to the doctor because my insurance is so bad but I might not enjoy a choice. Please if anyone has any advice to relieve some of the irritation I would be thoroughly grateful. Oh, I haven't had sexual intercourse for the past month and a partially so I don't think it's an STD. I also used FDS feminine spray on a regular basis (and we also changed toilet paper) so I'm thinking possibly that aggravated the skin a little bit too.

Answers:    You might have bacterial vaginosis to be precise not a STD. You should not use any sprays. They can cause more harm than worthy. The reason you are having burning is that your pH is sour. The dr will give you a pill or a cream to treat it. They might also give you a pill for a yeast infection since antibiotics do an inbalance of bacteria and can cause a yeast infection. There is no over the counter med for BV. you hold to get metrodiazanol..
"Oh, I haven't had sexual intercourse for yesteryear month and a half so I don't think it's an STD"

First of adjectives, it appears that you don't know that you can have an STD for years and not show symptoms of it. I am not saying you own one, but that statement you made is incorrect.

It sounds like you are making a salad with your vagina instead of helping it. You should capture to your doctor for some help..
this kind 0f s0und
m0re seri0us than
a yeast infecti0n
s0 y0u d0 inevitability
t0 q0 a d0ct0r
bef0re it bec0mesz
m0re seri0us.
&& if y0u are w0rried
ab0ut insurance
jus q0 t0 the clinic
0r the health department
where that inf0rmati0n
is n0t needed
&& it is free by the opening
0r q0 t0 q00qle
&& type in
where can i qet
tested for free within the
"where ever you fr0m area".
You need to do another treatment of the monistat. The yoghurt is really well-mannered for yeast infections too because it puts back that good germs that right now your body is lacking so if you don't want to use monistat abundantly of yogurt and use that. I know it sounds gross, but it really works. well, if the over the counter stuff is causing you discomfort, next you need to talk to the doctor almost possibly using gentian violet vaginal suppositories, beware, you must use panty liners, the gentian will stain anything made of cloth for good..
try canesten you can buy it of the counter in boots
buy the dua pack
cream and pressaries it works really good
but for go & see your doc.
It sounds like a yeast infection. You entail to go to the doctor and get pills because it sounds like it's just going to receive worse.

Hope you feel better soon!*.
I can't believe you can stand the itching and burning for that long, I would not last more than a daylight...I think you need to step to a doctor or even one of those pregnancy clinics they have a doctors there and they might know how to prescribe a pill that you have take in words, twice a day , the discomfort will go away almost the first hours of daylight...
and maybe they will give you a more efficient cream..
yogurt (natural plain yogurt) should be very good too, it have natural yeast bacteria which will sustain you with your infection..
also even if you haven't had sex within 11/2 months it doesn't mean is not an STD..some STDs take longer to show better get hold of an exam, just to make sure...

upright luck

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