About treat roughly?

will a doctor suspect abuse if a women have bad brusing on inner thighs and legs.and in ny is it ruling to report it even if it is not that life threating or does the women own to agree

I want to get into spring but I can't afford a class right now?

If the doctor suspects child assault, the doctor is obliged to report it for investigation by the relevant authorities.

As for adults.. to be precise a more difficult question because police usually can't succesfully prosecute these crimes short a reliable witness, and bruising alone is probably not evidence enough... although police can sort better enquiries. If a medial practitioner suspects a crime, I think they should variety it known. Whether they do so or not, is for them to agree on whether they can or not, in the circumstances.

As a event of interest, if I ever see what I think is domestic bombing, I report it to the police. Domestic violence is a moment ago so wrong on many level. It should be given zero tolerance from us adjectives... instead of turning a blind eye.

Is it bad to cross your legs?


How high is average?

Inner thigh bruises would suggest she had a train pulled on her, or a lone guy next to alot of endurance.

For how long can stress or worrying deferral a period?

He might ask more or less it, but unless your under 18 he does not hold to report anything by law.

These report law only apply to children:

Who know, I mean rough up is an assumption, the woman could horseback ride, or be into wild sex.

How do I find rid of?

It just depends. If you are person abused or know someone who is please report it. PLEASE
I have see people kill who were within abusive situations and those who know said nothing. Violence will escalate as anything will will grow if feed.

Plz Help! Me!?

Abuse is never right, and if you are being abused it's not generous to you and you should report it to the police no matter what. but i dunno just about anything else. sorry my answer isn't very informative.

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