Which is more effective--abstinence only childhood or comprehensive sex ed?

Which does the best job reducing teen pregnancies and STDs?

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Recent studies seem to indicate that abstinence-only sex lessons doesn't actually prevent kids from have sex; on average, teens who pledge to remain virgins do so only for roughly four to five months longer than those who have comprehensive sex instruction. In terms of teen pregnancies and STD's, comprehensive sex childhood completely has abstinence-only beat- in countries where on earth comprehensive sex education is qualified, the numbers are always lower.

I know that it's conterintuitive, but we've get to start seeing that abstinence-only sex education, for adjectives its talk, simply can't deliver. It doesn't do what it say it can.

I definitely suggest you read Judith Levine's book "Harmful to Minors: The Perils of Protecting Our Children From Sex", which discusses many studies which have shown the failure of abstinence-only sex education.

Hope that help!

Quote of the day:

"Abstinence-only sex instruction is a little bit similar to just-hold-it potty training." -Roy Zimmerman.

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Abstinence one and only isn't education; it's propaganda. Just judge by the questions contained by Men's & Women's Health on YA there is a serious call for for comprehensive sex-ed.

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personally, i presume they should do a little of both. explain why waiting would be a accurate idea but they hold to teach the sex ed for those that are going to enjoy sex so they know how to protect themselves.

Trying to concive?

abstinence only have been proven to be completely ineffective

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