Very cumbersome and hard period....?

i am 31 yrs old and my period have be terrible since the daylight i started at 13. they are very hefty and hard. i can not wear tampons for they net me cramp even worse. i drop alot of clots and usually bleed through everything. what can i do to help this? I use a heat pad when the misery is unbearable and it is zilch for me to use half a bottle of ibuprofen since i am off.

Is it pee..?

The best counsel is consult with your doctor.

P.S. - For your information -
Menorrhagia is the residence for excessive menstrual bleeding i.e. blood loss greater than 80ml during a menstrual period. Population studies show that the typical menstrual blood loss is 30-40ml, and that 90% of women own losses of less than 80ml.

Heavy bleeding can be cause by too much estrogen or possibly too little progesterone. Too much estrogen causes excessive growth of the blood-rich endometrial bin liner which will be shed each month.

When it have been determined that the impose is not organic (a physical condition), laboratory conducting tests (bleeding time, complete blood count, and thyroid function) should be done, and any abnormalities corrected.

Consistently excessive blood loss will result within a negative iron match which will result in lowered serum ferritin level. Iron deficiency is a motivation as well as consequence of menorrhagia. Body stores of iron are best reflect by serum ferritin. Ferritin levels will drop beforehand changes surrounded by the blood count begin. Anemia may not nonetheless be present when serum ferritin levels are getting low.

Small boobs?

my period used to be like urs i used to bleed through everything so what i did be stay home tampons made me cramp, pads i would bleed through, and so i used cut up rag and it worked

Girls Only?

I would definately talk to your doctor..such a discouraging cycle isn't normal.
There could be various reasons why its so fruitless that only they can update you for sure.

Painful sex.(i am a virgin)?

My mother went through this tremendously same thing, she used to bleed through a tampon two hospital pad and a regular pad surrounded by like 2 hours! She terminated up having a hysterectomy, where on earth they found that she had two grapefruit size cysts on her ovaries. Go to your OB/GYN and update them what is going on and see if they can do an ultrasound or other testing. Diet and exercise are also a knob, make sure that you go and get plenty of water, exercise close to walking or bike riding, and take out stock surrounded by an ibuprofen company--LOL!! I truly feel for you and hope it get better!

Can you die of internet usage?

Oh wow, I am the same opening most the time except for the past few months. I dread Ms. Monthly. Only for the first year or two I will be dying from cramps and blood gushing out of me like an grease rig or something! I put a tampon in and 10 minutes later my undies are soaked again. But mine hold gotten better, i see that yours haven't. I would definitely be in motion to a doctor with what you hold told us here.

My period is belated, I've taken about 10 EPT test that all come out glum?

I had equal problems 26 years ago and I missed a lot of university days.

Can doctors literally test you to see if youve have sex?

birth control pill or the mirena iud are your best options

How far away from the vagina is the hymen?

Have you see your gynecologist about this? I'm wondering if you might own endometriosis.

Call your gyn, you definitely necessitate to be seen.

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