Girls Only?
ok I have be masturbating for a while and the right wall of my vagina kind of hang! Does this happen to any1 else?
How childish for girls is too young to where on earth tampons? Is 12 too young?
dont listen to the others. it happen to me and i went to the doc and they said it is regular. not to worry hun.
I suppose I might have poor circulation?
you should travel to the Dr. about this that does not nouns goodWhy do those in here pretend about abortion?
go to a doctor they wont transmit your parents your doing it.. pretend to be sick say you involve a check up before academy school starts.What is getting your spine thinned?
It's probably quite conventional. Obviously no one can really know base on an online question.When you become sexually aroused the muscles inside your vagina contract, become rigid. It may simply be that this hangingness is with the sole purpose partial arousal. Trust me, you don't have to be fully aroused to relish it.
It can never hurt to ask your doc about it. Their career is to treat you and not to tell your parents of adjectives the little details. They can't do their job if you can't trust them. They know parents don't other understand and they will respect your privacy.