A recent sickness caused me to be underweight, which have affected my period..?

My periods hold suddenly become super-heavy but very short after my sudden immensity loss after a week of the stomach flu. I am now something like 10 pounds underweight and my periods hold gotten very incredibly heavy. When should this close?

I'm 15 and I haven't started my period on the other hand!?

I find it unusual that weight LOSS have caused your period to become heavier. Usually a sudden and extreme weight loss cause your periods to any become very reading light or stop entirely. The reason for this is the body is trying to conserve as much as possible, blood included, because the body think it's starving.

When a woman stops menstruating from losing too much consignment too suddenly, she usually starts menstruating normally again inside a few months of gaining final a healthy body overweight percentage. In your case, I'm not sure what to report to you about when you should start have normal period again, since your unusual reaction to the counterweight loss.

See if your periods run back to everyday after you gain the weight put a bet on. If they don't, I suggest you go to your household doctor just to be evaluated for other womanly health issues that could be cause you to have extra calorific periods, even after a consignment loss.

Wots wrong with me? - serious spell problem! :/?

when u gain some weight.
It's merely ur body reacting

Faint or blackout?

When you gain backbone to your normal immensity, your periods should run back to ordinary.

I itch down there after my hubby and I own sex?

When you gain or loose weight you affect your hormones and that's why you gain irregular periods. Try getting hold of some weight by drinking protein shakes next to extra calories.

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