What's the best bearing to lose wight bad my legs?
Answers: Actually, unless you're using some sort of steroid, some freight lifting won't give you massive muscles. Weight training is one of the best ways to lose bulk overall and to tone the muscles. More repetitions at a lower weight will sustain you get the desired look. It take time and patience. Continue your cardio routine but possibly every other day do weights. Start out lighting and work your way up.
Squats or leg press for over adjectives, but especially for the front of the thigh. Leg extensions for the back. If your gym have a hip ab/aductor machine, use it for the inner and outter thigh. Or, when you do squats stand beside your feet contained by more of a V shape instead of straight ahead. Three sets of 8-10 with a minute or so between sets. Start the counterbalance at 20 pounds and work your way up.
walking, swimming and cycling, dont progress to too much weight, it is the constant excercise to be exact needed to do this or lose weight more or less 45-60 mins every or every other day is around right