My brother told me earlier, that i am really ugly and i look like a pig, and i really need to lose weight!?

Answers:    How old is your brother ? He must be an immature and moron like guy . In my opinion your pretty don't listen to him and live the way you feel comfortable. Plus at your age your body changes are happening so i bet when your older and become well beautiful ,your brother will wish he never said that =] and im only 14 and they say stuff like that at me but i don't care wot they say XD.
omg dont listen to him thats what brothers do my brothers tell my mom to loose weight you are really pretty you have like really strait teeth long eyelashes big eyes (thats a good thing) just dont listen to him and next time he does it look in the mirror and focus on the good things and name every thing about you thats good dont even think about the bad you just have to learn how to ignore it no u dont look fat or ugly i like ur hair brother tells me the same thing but calls me a gorilla too lol i noe im not fat or ugly im 16 i excersie to keep shape but i do eat alot!! i guess thats why he also calles me a pig hes just playing w/ you. he always trys to put me down when were in a fight or somthing like that lol..i recently found out from my brothers female friend that he talks alot about me saying that im good in this and good in that and better in stuff etc. i was sooo happy to hear never noe ur brother possibly talks to his friends about you and saying how great you are..
1st of all he is a jerk for saying that
2nd of all i dont know what he is talking about.

in the picture I saw this really pretty girl (no homo)
that iz not overweight..

so dont go on a diet or anything because your brother
may b overweight himself and wants to bring u down with him...
your brother is a dork so don't listen to him. anyway, you have a fabulous smile, very similar to Mariska Hargitey and if you don't know who she is, look her up, she is a very beautiful actress from Law and Order, SVU No, hon, you are perfectly fine the way you are. Your brother did that to make you upset and get a reaction from you. It obviously worked. Next time ignore him. That's something brothers do though to their sisters at times just to be mean..
Well it's hard to tell because only half your face is in the picture.

But you look pretty, and you're not stick-thin, but you're not fat either. Looks like you know how to have a good time.

Don't worry about it..
Read the following book:

It is the cure to obesity. There is a secret method of loosing lots and lots of wait.

"Weight Loss Secrets (Cures) They Don't want you to know about"
-Kevin Trudeau.
no you have lovely eyes hair and skin, teeth, you are a attractive 13 y old, and a beautiful smile , is your brother cross eyed lol i am older woman and i think you look great no ur not ugly don't listen to him people say mean things to hurt you to see you upset don't listen to him it might have you to have low self esteem .
No dont listen to him boyz are idiots. plz answer my question;... hun ur beutiful not over weight brothers are just like that sometimes dont worry ur pretty :] dont listen to brothers there loosers :D just be confident.
im 13 too and no none of that describes you! tell your brother to shutup and tell him that his face is ugly and his face is a pig me and my two friends think that your gorgeous!
and brothers are just **** heads.
dont take anything they say seriously.

P.S. were girls.
no no your brother has it all wrong you are a beautiful 13 year old girl i am 13 too i love your mascara! how did you do all your makeup???????????????? Nope, its not true. You look very pretty and skinny. Dont listen to him, you know brothers can be a pain. Dont listen to him..
get your revenge. Do you know what Nair is? when used strategically on an adversary it can provide pleasing results. Your brother was probably just mad at you. They say things like that when they are mad. .
No. Your pretty. That's a terrible thing for your brother to say to you! Don't listen to him..
asshole you're not overweight :) not at all!

don't listen to your brother, he's a prick.
you don't look fat..
no, he is wrong. you cant take anything your brother says seriously- he's just doing it to be an ahole No, your very pretty.
your cute!
dont listen to siblings, unless they tell you your pretty.
I didn't look at the just need more confidence... you're really pretty. your bro is a deuce. .
no not at all ure pretty Ur brother is very mean to you. don't listen to him.
ur preety and brothers always say those things even if it not true

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