Is it possible for me to be pregnant? Help me ASAP please!?

On March 9th, I fooled around with impossible to tell apart guy I normally do. We didn't really hold sex but he inserted himself in me a few times to keep himself concrete. He pulled out after a few thrusts and I finished with my mouth. Two days latter I got my interval. On April 4th, we had sex but used a condom. He didn't finish in me and I finished next to my mouth again and then two days latter, I got my spell again. It was like as it normally is within length and flow. Now, my period be due Sunday, it's going on Thursday, and I have no sign of it. I broke out a few days up to that time Sunday like I typically do before a interval. However, I'm worried about why I haven't gotten it on the other hand. Starting Saturday night/Sunday morning, I became pretty sick, possibly with mono and thought conceivably that had something to do near it. I'm really worried though that I could be preggers. Someone please help me!!

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More than likely, youre not. Chances are apt you have yourself so worried over the possibility that it's in fact delaying your length. It happens. You may want to rob better measures to prevent these things if you do not want to get pregnant.

And furthermore, if he inserted himself in you AND thrusted a few times, that DOES count as have sex. As far as I'm concerned, it seems as though you're far too clueless to be have sex in the first place.

Please maintain your pants on until you're more well-read on sex.

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just because he pulls out doesnt aim he hasnt left a deposit.. unless you are using a condom nearby is always the risk of becoming pregnant. and remember you can still achieve stds from oral sex aswell (its still sex honey) if your afraid of becoming pregnant then you shouldbe on the pill...or better all the same stop havingsex all together..

Ahhh abet.?

i doubt u r pregnant, did u have sex at adjectives the last month, from when ur finishing period be til now?
if u speak u only did stuff near him 2 days b4 u were due on both occassions, after no u r not pregnant

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