Periods??????i inevitability information please..?

um i have a couple questions...i dont own mine but i think it is coming soon..

1.u know how if you wear a pad and it say to change every hour or 2 i think next what do you do at night when you sleep??? like i sleep really unpunctually..

2. do you think i am getting mine soon cause i enjoy discharge clear and lightish yellowish and it doesnt really smell..and i am growing boobs and i have for like a year and a partly???

3. what is it like the first time??

4. where be you when you first got it?and how old

[[you dont own to answer ever single can do one if you like]]

Answers:    1. There are pads that are special for night. They are more absorbent and a little bit bigger (to prevent leaks). So you of late change your pad to that one until that time you go to bed, and change it contained by the morning to a regular pad :]

2. Yes, it is probably coming soon, so be prepared! Carry pads within your purse/backpack. There is nothing worse than getting your period at arts school, and not having a pad contained by hand :[

3. Nothing out of this world, really. You might get cramps, and wearing a wad might feel awkward, but you'll get used to i eventually :]

4. I be lucky enough to get my interval at home. I got it overnight, and I noticed it within the morning when I went to the restroom. It was a institution day, so it was unusual to be wearing a pad...

Hope this helps you! :].
Hi Stephanie,
This is a time contained by your life for you and your mom to really bond, when you get your extent you are on your way to becoming a beautiful immature woman, but with the period come other things to discuss as ably with your mom about sex and birth control.
Ask your mom these question, i bet she will be pleased you asked and probably suggest you two go shopping for the right pads for you to use. She can also explain how you are going to perceive crampy the first time or maybe it will just show up, but you want to enjoy some pads in your locker at institution in case you catch it there..
1. Don't worry too much if you're using a wad if you're sleeping. They're not nearly as dangerous as tampons, which can lead to Toxic Shock Syndrome (TSS). If you're really, really worried in the region of problems that relate to this, I would check out the Mooncup ( as it is completely organic with no chemicals. It's also vegan-friendly.

2. It's exceedingly possible that you could be getting yours soon. Every person is different. Some girls never get discharge while some enjoy it for quite a while. You may start, you may not.

3. The first time I had my time was kind of terrifying. Not too bad though. As long as you know what to expect, you should be fine. You might cramp slightly, or crave certain foods, etc. You may be a bit moody. However, since it's your first time, the hormones aren't moderately in full swing yet, so you shouldn't contract with too much of that.

4. I was within elementary school. The first Friday of fifth grade :] I assume I was 12..
1. you can wear pads for resembling 8 hours or whatever, just modification it when its full or whenever you want. so you can sleep in a pad I don`t know a higher absorbancy though. and wearing a pad while sleeping is a better impression than wearing tampons while sleeping.
2. it sounds like you could get your interval within a year
3. for me, i went to the bathroom and in attendance was a little red stain contained by my underwear. and it lasted like 3 days and be very light. but every one is differnt.
4. i be 12
hope i helped :).
1.You only stipulation to change it every hour or two if it's heavy. I translate my pad every 3 or 4 hours and I almost never wear tampons.

2. Yes.

3. Weird. It was so gloom almost black.

4. I was about to budge to bed on a Saturday night and then notice it. Then i slept with a towel and thought I'd deal beside it tomorrow. Then I woke up with brown **** all over the towel. Ew. 13..
Hi babe
I get my first on in june :)

1.ok what you use is a night time wad or a heavy flow one, i love libra ultra thins for bed the mold to my body and makes me consistency like i dont have one on.
2 yep you could be
3. its a bit fear-provoking if you dont see it comming. but is not alot of blood only a small bit, and it might be brown at first just a pointer :)
4. i be at home with my mom watching a dvd and i had stomch pains, this be a night aswell. and i was 13 :)

Good luck :).
1. You don't in actual fact need to change a wad every 1 or 2 hours, just change it when you want to, when you'd quality most comfortable changing it.
2. Perhaps you could be getting yours soon...
3. It's quite normal/calm the first's freshly like any other time, except I remember I was distressed about telling my mom. :P But it's not a big business.
4. I was 14 years old (entering 9th grade) when I get mine..
well it was around a year ago when i got mine...i got mine when i be actually happened overnight

when it comes to sleeping it doesnt issue...just keep it on adjectives night...when u start using tampons wear pads to sleep because you can win a disease that can kill you

i dont get cramps...and i cant be aware of it...most people just kinda happen

i had discharge for years befor i had my first spell so it may be comeing and may not be

i have to change my wipe or tampon every 1 and a hlaf to 2 hours...sometimes you will get luck, like me, and own a really heavy flow but it only last 3 days.
ahhaa your cute

periods suck but its no big deal

a short time ago wear a big pad at night. they enjoy night pads you can buy

discharge is commonplace but it doesnt necessarily mean you'll be getting your period soon but it will be sometime within the next year.

the first time you hardly own any blood. not enough to like drip down your leg or anything haha. it might not even look close to blood if its dry, its brown

i started at school but it wasnt to bad. i be only 12 when i started.

the best advice i can offer you is ask your mom! she knows all more or less this stuff

dont be afraid to tlak to her about it i mean expect about it your asking yahoo strangers about it.
You can wear a wipe when you sleep it's fine. Actually you kinda have to wear it when you sleep or your bed's gonna end up adjectives bloody. It's not dangerous to wear a pad for more than 2 hours, it's of late unsanitary and has more chances of leak, and it just feels gross to be wearing one for a long time. They're intended to be worn overnight though.

I don't know what to tell you about when you'll attain it. I just know a few night past I got mine I had really really doomed to failure cramps, and it felt like a really impossible stomach ach. Since you're growing breasts though you're starting puberty obviously, so it could happen any time.

I get mine when I was in fifth grad, so I guess I be about ten or eleven. One of my best friend's got her's when she be in fourth grade. It can take place at any age really. I had no idea it be coming when I got mine. I can't really say what it be like the first time, cuz it was of late like all the other times. Sorry, that closing part probably doesn't help much, but I don't know what else to speak about it, lol..
1. you can get 'night time pads' espesh for this purpose (and for stocky periods). they are longer, and have higher absorbency.

2. yes, discharge is a positive sign that your periods willl start soon. you will carry on getting discharge even when you do return with your period too sometimes.

3. there won't be profoundly of blood the first time. you will prob get brown discharge first. i got brown discharge for a few days one month (didnt even realise it be my period!). then the subsequent month had brown discharge, one day next to blood mixed. after that, it was just blood.

4. i be about 12 1/2 and i was within town shopping. i felt a bit kind of raining, (thought it was just cumbersome discharge) but you dont get a lot the first time, so i didnt in fact realise till i got home and went to the loo.

appropriate luck! hope i helped!
1. I'm pretty sure the recommendation is swing ever 4-6 hours, but I'm not sure. You probably won't have to worry so much as you first start your spell, because it usually starts out fairly light--or at least mine did. As your term gets heavier, the wetness will usually wake you up within the wee hours of the morning to change it. Consider wearing both a tampon and pad at dark to keep dry, but be sure to insert/place them right before you dance to bed, and change them right when you wake up, and hang on to up with regular changes throughout the afternoon.

2. Perhaps. Usually discharge begins about a year or more/less in the past your period starts.

3. Kinda scary. It's something you've never experienced back and there's usually no warning.

4. I think I have either just come back from the pool or was something like to go. I think I be 11 or 12.
1. i usually wear a pad when i sleep...its much more safe than have a tampon in for all those hours. also they own pads for Overnight..i like the brand "Always"..the overnight pad they have work for me real powerfully.

2. it is possible you will be getting yours soon! how old are you??

3. the first time i got mine i be nervous but happy at duplicate time. my mom and sister helped me through it and it was much more flowing then i thought it would be. the only impossible part are the cramps and stuff.

4. i was at home playing house beside my younger sister, she did something to make me laugh and i laugh so hard that i had to pee so i go to the restroom and found out i started.. i was 14 i believe.

hope i helped..goodluck =].
1. Well im asleep i other wear a tampon its alot cleaner. But when your asleep you really wont dirty your pad untill you stand up. You will feel the blood bring back your pad wet. Just turn straight to the bathroom every morning.

2. Yes im sure you are. Once you feel your body changing thats when you know your term is on its way.

3. Its really not a big deal the first time you go and get your period. You will be a bit self concious tho like you will quality like your stained for everything lol. And the pads quality weird at first too.

4. I was 12 years hoary when i got mine. I was at home thank god! I saw brownish spots on my underware and i know this was not normal. I told my mom and sure plenty it was my period. The entry that was so sad be that i got it like 2 days past we were going to wet-n-wild. It was my first time so i couldnt use a tampon lol.

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