Girls lone!!?

In the old days, here were not an iota pads or tampons. What did they use?

This is soooo embarrasing?

obverse towels i guess.

How can you determine the gender of your tot pre-pregnancy?


Why do i hurt in the lower portion of my stomic ion the left ?

They used pieces of cloth.

The orifice of my vagina are like streched out. what can i do?

Weird as it sounds, near've actually be tampons (or something like them) since the time of the ancient Egyptian civilization...

When you go and get the cervaical cancer vaccine, r there any symptoms to verbs about?

i construe when my mom was childish, her and her sisters would have to uses rag pinned to the inside of their panties.
i dont know if that meant that they be washable and therefore reusable or not.

Ladies please assistance! emergency!?

My Grand mom says they used something approaching a washcloth and washed them and reused them.Thank God at hand are pads and tampons immediately.

The mini pill?

Through the ages women have used different forms of menstrual protection. The Museum of menstruation have articles and photos of some early forms of menstrual protection. Including among other things, knit pads. Women regularly used strips of folded old cloth (rags) to catch their menstrual blood, which is why the residence "rags" was used to refer to menstruation.

Disposable menstrual pad appear to have be first commercially available from around 1888 with the Southall's wipe. Disposable menstrual pads have their start during the first world war, where on earth French nurses used Kimberly-Clark's wood pulp bandages as a menstrual wipe that could be thrown away after use. Products like the Johnson & Johnson Lister's Towel inferior because of a lack of publicity. Kotex would appear to be the first of these untimely disposable menstrual pads to really appropriate off.

Until the birth of disposable pad, women used a variety of sewn or makeshift pad made from a variety of fabric, often unused scraps, to collect menstrual blood. Those could collectively be washed and used again. Though some women enjoy used anything absorbent, including grass to collect menstrual blood. Cited here. Some women, mostly ones living in rural areas or from a low socio-economic status, did not use anything to collect menstrual blood and it have been said that they disappeared a trail of blood behind them. Even after they be more widely available, they were too expensive for abundant women to afford[citation needed]. It also took women several years to be able to comfortably buy these products[citation needed]. One solution to this be to allow women to place money into a box (so that the woman would not have to speak to the clerk) and cart a box of Kotex pads from the counter themselves. So it took several years for disposable menstrual pad to become commonplace.

Cloth menstrual pads made a comeback around the 1970s. With the number of cloth wipe manufacturers and online communities devoted to this increasing in the 1990s and the hasty 2000s, they would appear to be gaining popularity.

To this daylight women in countries such as Africa and surrounded by other rural parts of the world and in undersized countries reusable or makeshift pads are still used to collect menstrual blood

G-Spot Crisis!Please oblige!?

they used a big square pad that have brackets going around your wasist, it must of been really mortifying cause you could see the big square entry through the back of your jeans! Also posterior then, they have swim class quite habitually, and when you had your interval you couldnt swin... so if you sat out, everyone know why:P

Could I be pregnant after stopping birth control mid cycle?

My mom had pad and stuff but, my grandma used to tel me that " oh, we were soo poor that we have to use them ol' whatchamacallit's rags, oh yes, thats what they be! " Man, she's so funny !! but yeah thats what she said that they did.

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