Diet HELP!?

Diet question.. minister to!? I exercise monday-friday with rugby 3-5:30 and consequently on the weekend i have soccer for 2 hours Ive be doing this schedule for rather bit over a month now but im curious when will i start to see results.. close to losing weight?

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if you are running around and playing.. you won't loose any weight.

you'll gain it.

because you'll gain musceles and musceles weigh more than body fat.

if you're tryin to loose substance try simple work outs.. not the ones you're doing now. try approaching squatts and sit upps.

What are some side affects of birthcontorl?

When you exercise extensively, your body fat will be replaced next to muscle. That's why some people won't see any results. Try toning your body instead of building muscles by using a different exercising technique.

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