What are some side affects of birthcontorl?

I just get back on orthotrycylin lo and hadnt be on it since jan and i just started today and im so sick similar to im having hot flashes and im nausa and dizzy i dont know what to do or how long is this going to second? Is that some of the sideaffects of that? I also have a hired gun migraine. The reason i go on it was because i havent have a period since jan and negitve pregnacy trial and all the side affects of pregnancy and adjectives my doctors wanted to do be put me on some hormone that made me start so i asked my doctor if i could get a blood check and they said it was to much money and that it wasnt nessary and they didnt do ANY tryout on me to see what was going on so i in recent times trusted them and just started my pills and im purely 19 so i just dont know what to do? Should i purely listen to both of my doctors and take the pills or what? Both doctors are my regular doc and obgyn so i dont know im going crazy!! Thanks in advance

What are your view on plastic surgery (breast augmentation)?

How old are you? Is it possible you're approaching menopause? It sounds close to these would be symptoms of a menopausal woman starting hormone therapy!

Please variation your doctor. While my doctor changed my BCPs from LoEstrin to YAZ to control my perimenopausal symptoms, this may not be the best option for you. And any doctor that won't complete blood tests for cost abiding reasons is NOT a doctor you want to see! It doesn't cost THEM anything...it costs YOU. So find a different doctor and win a second opinion.

Birth control grill?

get on the shot. ull be fine

Is it bad to drink alcohol while on ur interval?

get a second opinion, lately in grip. I stopped taking the pill for 4 months and when i went wager on on I felt HORRIBLE, but simply for the first few weeks. I would still get a second view, to at least reassure yourself.

This interrogate is for people who own had plastic surgery or own some education on the subject please, appreciation?

First of all since you are so youthful I would definitely acquire referred to another doctor and find out why your period have suddenly stopped, there must be a purpose.

The pills side effects are everything you are feeling right presently, however if the side effects continue after two months they have need of to switch your pill to one with different hormones later the one you are currently taking. Most common side effects the first two months could be headache, nausea, moodiness. I too am on Ortho Tri Lo, this will be the third pill I hold tried in 4 months due to the side effects. With this pill I have only leading water retention, the other side effects you are have I did not suffer. This pill may not be right for you, but the Doctor's say to pass your body time to adjust to the new hormones. Be mean hunny it's sounding like you may want a second inference it is worth the money to run testing that could squirrel away you in the long run.

I am suffering from bleeding piles since 18 years. should i use hadensa?

I'd enunciate if you had period normally formerly, and just stop have it now, probably no entail to get on the pills merely yet. Could be stress or hormone height changes to be precise affecting your period. If you never have normal period before, after you should get on the pill. THey abet you regulate your periods.

Do you hold a shy bladder?

Headaches can be caused by minor problems
similar to eyestrain, lack of coffee or more serious reason
like come first injury, brain tumors, encephalitis and
meningitis. Taking painkillers continuously can
have hurtful side effects, so it is better to
modify your lifestyle. More information available at

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