Hey guys! i have a sound out for u!?

hey do guys like it when girls are on their time (because i heard guys approaching it for the sex but anyway) or do you think it is gross
report to the truth you wont hurt my feelings

Stopped pill last monday have unprotected sex on wed period due following wed could I acquire pg?


And my husband thinks so too...Thank God!

Bleeding while on birth control?

some guys similar to it. my bf likes it.

Female "down there" problem?

Some do/some don't, yes, they don't mind.

How come citizens say you should not enjoy intercourse during your period but specifically when you are most aroused?

The sex is great, maybe because of the oder or the hot lubrication.

Why do i feel close to this?

i have hear some guys say it feel better, smother. one guy i knew who be a natural red herald, had a flushed beard, said it makes his beard look close to a glazed dough nut.

me personally, i don't close to the mess.

How does a parent address masturbation issues with a 15-year weak daughter?

to me i could care smaller amount if your on your period or not that newly tells me monitor what i say because girls can be a lil more pushy or more demanding so it dosnt concern to me but every man is different.

How do i know when im ovulating?

Turn off. There is an odor associated near the period that turns me bad. Anyway, I view it as a few days stale to recharge the batteries for the rest of the month.

I own pain contained by my knee communal, heels, and left buttocks. Is this rheumatism or by other cause? whats the good?

Some resembling it, some don't. It just depends on one's nouns.

What is wrong with me? Am I losing it?


Cousin help/ doctors?

It doesn't bother me one style or the other. Some girls like it, some girls perfer to hand over me oral sex only when they own their periods. So I don't mind .

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