Constant tiredness?

I feel constantly tired. This have been the shield for the last 2wks or so. I run to bed at helf 10 and get up at 7 every sunshine, but i've had greatly restless sleep recently. I quality exhausted as soon as i get up, and struggle throughout the hours of daylight at work. As soon as i finish work at half 5 i walk home straight ot bed. Any idea what the prob could be? My existence is becoming non existent as all i wana do is sleep!

Thanks contained by advance!

If I purloin the drug prover will I start my period rash. I am going to Jamaica and I want to chang e my period?

You dont voice how old you are so it could be anything.
Pregnancy is this possible as this cause great tiredness early on.
glandula restlessness usually effects late teens why i asked age.
Aneamic hold you been dieting and adjectives down.
Diabetic symtoms do you wee more and very thirsty adjectives the time are other signs of this along with individual tired.
Stress are you over worked or worried about something.

That above is basically the start so if I was you I would travel and see the doctor it may just in good health be simple virus that is taking time to be in motion as my daughter had one for a few weeks.
Take a wee preview with you and some of above will be ruled out in that and then.

What do you resembling to have 1st within the morning?

get thicker curtains.

Please answer!?

go to your GP. it could be an underactive thyroid. he will do some blood tests. hope you discern better soon

What can yiou use to substitute for a dildo?

restless sleep?
Are you under stress at the mo?
I would suggest you don't be in motion straight to bed after work but instead go home , own a bath munch through and then hold some relaxation.
try and think as to what may be interfering beside your sleep? As sleep should be restful not restless.
Get your GP to do some routine bloods tests to rule out anaemia or infection.
try some relaxation oil such as lavender on your pillow at night. hold a camomile tea before bed and cut out caffeine in the past bed.

First yeats infection kinda nervous.?

There are masses things that can acount for this! Depression can cause this- but if it is not a mental entity, then at hand are even more physical things this could be. I had Mono a few years ago and my sickness started out approaching that. Also, there is Chronic Fatigue Syndrome which have similar symptoms.

Since your problem isnt actually sleeping- amybe it could be the ability of your sleep. in that baggage finding a new matress or taking Melatonin(all inherent sleep aid) may help.

If your symptoms keep trying or get worse- it would be a honourable idea to see a professional.

I am other extremely tired?

You should defo go to your doc, Could be so copious things, anaemic, diabetes, thyroid problem, a simple blood test should digit it out and get you sorted, obedient luck, hope you feel better soon

Omgggg my arms are soooo sore from working outany tips to relieve the anguish?

If your tiredness has be present for 4 weeks or more, and you have no more specific symptoms, walk see your GP. Most doctors will do their own version of a ' tiredness blind '.

This basically involves checking bloods, urine and sometimes if indicated a chest x-ray.

I check full blood count, ESR,CRP, liver function test, thyroid function tests, blood sugar, urea and electrolytes and immunoglobulins.

To be frank 90% of these screen are negative and we finish off up telling the lenient it has probably be a virus.

The pick ups are generally anaemia,underactive thyroid and diabetes.

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