I had brown discharge for almost 2 days then it go back to usual discharge, i havnt started my period even so?

I am 13 and About 1 or 2 week ago i had brown vaginal discharge that merely lasted for 2/3 days and tehn it go back to middle-of-the-road, was this my first interval?

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It could be. Some girls it is completely clear and others it is confusing. One of my daughters had a two morning "brownish period" then zilch for a couple months. It is normal. Your at the right age so, a short time ago make sure you own what you need near you in crust it starts again.

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no, i doubt it, but it will most likely be comeing incredibly soon

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You are solely 13 teen? You really should be talking to your Mother roughly speaking things like this..but it is possible that you will be have your period soon.

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usually, when a womanly gets brown discharge, its a sign that her interval is well on its instrument or when you've already had your time, its a sign that you're coming off of your spell...
jus stay calm and hold a pad practical jus in casing!

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This be more than likely the start of your first time of year. Every girl is different. You will probably have a more commonplace period soon. You should reach a deal to your mother or other trusted adult.

How do you know your time is not on schedule?

yes , i do believe your body is getting set , congratulations and welcome to womanhood!!

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yes it really sounds close to it to me. thats what i did the first time. I looked in my panties and thought it be pooh, at first.
Go to the school nurse and have a chat with her.

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yes u r right, i remember this stirring w/ me... mine came soon after that

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Please dont worry!! This is your first sign that your time is about to start! Just produce sure you have pad etc too hand at arts school etc!!

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The same thing happen to me and the next daylight i started my period =) dont verbs and long as its not green..

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may be a sign that you will get it soon so hold on to a look out for it so you won't get it and your not prepared

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Usually when a girl is instigation to start, the discharge will be brown or even blackish before an actual red flow begin. You are at the right age so it sounds like you should be have a flow very soon.

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No, I don't guess that was your first time, but it will probably be on it's way. Brown discharge is adjectives before and after period. Good luck! :)

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