I have to know nearly pregnent details?

I want to know abot pregnent details.for example, when shoud i have to sex next to my girl friend so that she could not be pregnent.
like my girl friend's MC prieod start from 10th may and will finish at 14th may ,so describe me plz when i will do sex with my girl friend,so that she could be pregnent.

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Answer #1 is ignorant. That's not even consdiered protected.
If you are trying to get pregnant- You call for to have sex surrounded by day 10-14 (or so) after the first daytime of her period. But not everyone is matching or has like peas in a pod cycle.

If you are trying to avoid pregnancy, USE PROTECTION!!

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the with the sole purpose safe time is when she is have her period

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you can win pregnant on your period! if you don't want her to win pregnant don't have sex. If she wishes to get pregnant the best time is when she ovulates.

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Keep your pants on please. You're clearly too childish and immature to be have sex.

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i hope your gf know you plan on getting her pregnant :-).and shouldnt SHE be asking this. women usually know their cycles better than men...definitely use BC if you dont want her to draw from pregnant

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you can acquire pregnant any time of the month!! with a condom on birth control it doesnt issue! you should always use a condom and she should grasp on birth control right away, but just cuz she is on birth control doesnt show you can stop using the condom... better safe afterwards sorry buddy! deep your contestant gloved or in your pant... your obviously unsuspecting or old plenty for a child so dont be stupid!!


You need to know down her cycle, time from first day of term one month to the first day of her time the next month. It's usually around 28 days.

She SHOULD ovulate at the partly way point which is usually sunshine 14. You want to me having closely of unprotected sex with her from daytime 12 to day 17.

To help out ensure conception, have her stay on her stern, pillow under her hips and stay put for a few minutes next to the seamen inside her. It also helps if you orgasm around like peas in a pod time.

Also, you can ask her to track her cervical mucus. You can learn just about that online.

Have any of you ladies?

Well obviously( i studied this 4 class), wen a girl is going through her period, that funds the egg did not get fertilized, the extra tacky lining (endometrium) surrounded by the uterus that was prepared for the egg is desposited through the vagina. Probably a short time ago after period (but dat's a long stretch), use a condom (ur best chance).

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There is no time when a woman cannot catch pregnant. Just wear a condom. Maybe suggest her going on birth control if you do not wish to wear condoms. But no event what day of the month, your girlfriend could still seize pregnant.

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