I haven't have my period contained by 51 days ... I'm scared I'm individual 16 what should i do !!?


Why do i get pains in breast similar to there growing when im 22years out-of-date?

dont worry appease down, its common for some women to enjoy a late time, it mostly occurs because your body is still varying, becuase you are still young and your body is adjust to your periods. dawdle about a week or so and you should enjoy a period

Please back me iam in jailAt my home?

U maight be PREGNANT!

My doctor have a nurse practitioner and he asked me if i wanted him to do it or the nurse practitioner to do it

You inevitability to see a Dr. for certain. Start near a home pregnancy test or progress to your local clinic, most areas have ones where on earth teens can go confidentially. You may be pregnant or something else may be going on. If you're on the pill, sometimes that stops your time of year for months at a time. Take care of yourself.

Does anybody know how to forever get rid of vaginitis?

You stipulation to go to a doctor...and speak to your parents.

Lung cancer anyone capture cured that you know?

In first place dont panic!! Yous should give an account your mom or someone you trust. Have you been have unprotected sex? because if the answer is yes you might be pregnant if not (what i expect since you r 16) it might be that yout body is have some hormonal problems you can fiz that bu hoing to the doctor and tellinh him/her whats happening and the docotor is going to prescribe you some pills that are going to fashion everything normal ok? But don't verbs, just address to your parents ;D

Is it normal for someone to be attracted to someone elder?

It depends on how long you've had period and if you have be engaging surrounded by sexual activity.
It can be sort of normal for a girl your age to skip period.
But if you've been regular for a year and hold not had any recent mass changes, near could be a reason to check this out. Certainly if you've have sex in the second month or so, you might want to get an EPT experiment from the pharmacy.
Good luck and I hope everything goes in good health.

Pill and condoms?

Hey hun, don't get too stressed out. That will basically delay your extent longer and make you reflect on that you're pregnant if you really aren't. That happened to me and my interval was delayed for almost 3 months! I be soo scared! But after I go to the doctor's they told me I for sure wasn't pregnant and nothing be wrong with me, and guess what happen? I got my time a few days after. So it was pointless after I frivolous all my money on test. Just go to the store and seize a test or two and see what happen. Good luck!!

Do Dr's Cut your muscles during a C-Section?

Seriously, don't worry almost it. I have have times where I step for 2 months without a spell, then once I do gain it, I will have another one contained by 2 weeks. And I am 19. One thing to cogitate about it when you started your time of year. For the first year or so it will be really irregular so that might be a factor. And if you are sexually active, after obvisouly take a pregnancy audition just contained by case. If you aren't pregnant and this irregularity really bothers you, see if you can attain on birth control pills. They can make it so that you can predict to the exact time what day you will start and stop your interval. Good luck with it!

How come I haven't gotten my extent in over 4 months?

Don't Be Scared Sweetie
At your Age Irregular period are common, Give it another week or so and after ask your Parent to take you to the Gynecologist.

21, nouns of sex drive. surgeries/anti- depressants a cause?

I'm 12 but never mind. Anyways, from adjectives the books I've read, best bearing is go to the doctor, you might own a medical problem or something, if you havent have sexual intercourse then that's it. But don't frenzy, on this book it said that a girl went to the doctor when she be only a month belatedly but it says if you havent have your period for over two months consequently you have to step to the doctor, it's better that way. Don't frenzy! Unless you've got a infant.

What could cause shortage of libido?

you should be okay i am 16 and my period didn't come on until 2 months and i was panicky to so just try and forget around it like i did and it should come on because to much stress can give somebody a lift longer for your period to come on.

What does PMS stingy?

If you haven't had sex or eat "Ben & Jerry's" Ice cream, tell ur mom and budge to a DR.

Ben & Jerrys may get you pregnant.

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