What could cause dearth of libido?


Is this Normal? (see details)?

Been there... It could be a unharmed host of things from medication and over-the-counter drugs to stress and depression to general robustness and emotional issues, anyone overworked and tired to something as simple as just not man attracted to the one you are with or doomed to failure memories that are resurfacing. Start by simply tracking how you are feeling both emotionally and physically. Go spinal column and try to remember when it started, what you were sense then, who you be with, what be going on (or not going on) in your life at the time. Don't try to do it adjectives at once. Write some stuff down then walk back and read it. It will probably trigger some things that you own forgotten were going on at the time it started. I took some medication for a while that completely kill my libido and it was awful. I feel dead. So, I know how you get the impression. If this doesn't work, see a therapist. They can usually backing you figure it out. If you don't own the money to do that, call your local mental condition facility. They can usually give you someone to name that will do this pro-bono (free).

Ovulation bleeding?!?Help!?

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I perspire WAY to much.what should I do?

It got a puncher?

Oh, sorry! I'm thinking of a lilo!

You enjoy the whole Internet that could answer your press in one Google... use it!

What do you infer?

hope it helps

Does anybody know or have had any side affects from have the coil fitted?

I wish I know honey as I have indistinguishable problem and have be this way for six years. I hold been to perpetual doctors and clincs looking for an answer, bought endless toys to find something going, dressed up, danced, taking unrelenting pills, tried endless homeopatheic rem, drunk unremitting herbal rem and nothing have worked.

The only entity I have notice lately is that I am under huge amounts of stress which can be a factor surrounded by causing problems, when you hold lots on your mind you can't focus on the bedroom antics as your mind is focused on other problems.

On a more serious note for me I am suffering from a hormonal inequity. My periods hold been adjectives to pot and I have missed perpetual months, i am seeking help from the doctors and they are finally looking into it, this have created no end of problems over the finishing couple of months causing increasing agony. Slowly but surely this has put me past its sell-by date and killed adjectives hopes I have have of feeling resembling a woman. I am hoping they can find something to fix it and then look out boys.

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