What is wrong with me? giant blood pressure, constipation, chest pain, leader aches and lots of pressure within eyes

im a 23 year old feminine. i have dignified blood pressure for months now. i sometimes capture chest pain where on earth it feels close to my chest is super tight or heavy. i get hold of head ache and tons on pressure in my eyes and temple. i have also have constipation problems. not long ago i went almost 3 weeks short going to the bathroom i did everything i could to try and make myself move about by enama's pills fruits really i took anything and everything. took a week of taking and doing all this stuff and i finilly went. but the final few days my blood pressure is high approaching 150's over 113ish. i feel tired adjectives the time. feel close to i need to bring anywhere from 10-12 hours of sleep a night. sometimes find the chills and dizzy in a route where i fantasize shaking back and forth. not sure if this event but i have a lump underneath my chin but you cant see it only can be aware of it and its little and hard. i also hold one on my back its low put a bet on and right side near the hip. i dont enjoy the money to keep going to the doc.

Smaller breasts?

Go see a doctor RIGHT NOW!

Is it true that women draw from emotional prior to have their menstrual period?

weoll...adjectives of these symptoms point to thyroid,usually,hypo,ie,undera... your doc to do blood work,ie,thyroid panel...good luck..

If stress cause period to come unpaid how late does it come?

Immediately budge to the Emergency room...in certainty call an ambulance*

Not sure nearly the constipation or your even if i believe 3 weeks.

The rest of you symptoms a fall inwardly a description of malignant hypertension and you health is at grave risk.

It is tremendously uncommmon for a woman without nearest and dearest history or a preganacy to get this doomed to failure, but maybe we dont hold all the details.

Abnormal Periods?


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