I just found out i own Cervical Dysplasia... Help!!?

i have a programmed appointment for a procedure called Cryo Surgery. Has anyone have this procedure done? Does it hurt? is there a coincidence the dysplasia will come back? I also enjoy pains during intercourse, is the dysplasia causing this?

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My thoughts on the procedure aren't that desperate either. The cramping can be pretty strong and mortified. The worst part in the order of it is that they put a fluid on the site that causes the blood to clot. This is honest because you will have minimal bleeding but it is humiliated because it causes a gloom colored discharge that almost feels close to little clumps of gravel. It can feel close to sand paper when you wipe so buy some feminine cleaning cloths in armour it causes discomfort. Other after that you should be fine shortly after the procedure.
Also, I have have it twice. Mine came put a bet on within a year and presently it hasn't come back again (3 years later)
I would settle to your Doctor about the spasm during sex. That is a major symptom of Endometeriosis.

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Yes I have. That procedure doesn't hurt, but you may want to pinch ibuprofen before you move about. If I remember right, they did a biopsy, which was horrible, past they did the cyrotherapy. You will have cramps afterwards, perchance worse than normal monthly cramps.

There is other a chance it can come put a bet on, which is why your doctor will want you to have more frequent pap smears for for a moment while. Mine was nearly 13 years ago, and I haven't had an remarkable pap smear since.

Depending on what caused the dysplasia within the first place, it COULD cause you to hold pain during intercourse.

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Since they've opted for Cryo (which is where on earth the doctor will use liquid nitrogen to freeze stale the effected cells) you're contained by good shape...it mechanism that the condition was not extremely deep or involved nonetheless. Just be sure to do your follow-up paps!

As for discomfort, that will depend entirely upon YOU. Your pain threshold will determine how much discomfort you'll experience; typically though, you'll experience something similar to filling period cramping, and it's over particularly quickly. It won't be any more self-conscious than the biopsies they took to determine how extensive your dysplasia was.

The treatment is successful more or less 80% of the time in treating dysplasia the first time around, although repeat treatments might be requisite (again, do your follow-up paps!).

The pain during sex you may want to discuss beside your doctor; while it might be related, it might also be something else, or simply just the position you're within when it happens (unless it happen all the time).

Anyway, honourable luck...you'll be fine.

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