Anyone have experienced sun allergy while taking contraceptive pill?

Been taking Marvelon (without stop - no menses, for a possible endometriosis case) pill for more than 3 months and come summer I have experienced what is surrounded by most probability a sun allergy. Marvelon is the only medecine I thieve, apart from occasional ventolin. Frequency of asthma attacks also increased slightly (but still controlled). Anyone else had such problems ? If so, can varying pill solve it ? And what pill is best ?

Late Period, odour?

I have tried to find side effects of the Marvelon but found none similar to yours. There are several links you can read (I did not read it all)
Maybe you can post your question to one of these forums and see what reply you take.

The medicine and condition information post by website user , not guarantee correctness , is for informational purposes only and is not a substitute for medical suggestion or treatment for any medical conditions.

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