Wondering about weightiness... (please be serious)?

I don't know who else to ask.

I am almost sixteen, I am five foot two, and I weigh one hundred and thirty pounds.

Should I lose ten or so pounds? I am pretty active (run roughly a half an hour a day), and I chomp through fairly powerfully (not going to say I don't endulge within pizza or ice cream every once within a while).

If I should- how should I go more or less doing it? Just plain old exercize isn't really working.

Also- I enjoy strech marks on my theighs. How do I win rid of them? That cream didn't work... I used it every day for a few months and nil happened.

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The stretch marks won't jump away - they'll get lighter and smaller amount noticable but they'll still be there.

As long if you're not fixed wether you should or shouldn't lose weight, it seem that you'll be more comfortable with yourself this instrument.

If you run 30 minutes every day, your body get used to it. Try some other exercises - abs, lifting weight etc. It is proven that beginners to a sort of exercise achieve more benefit that the ones who do it constantly. Don't give up running, but switch to an extra type on exercise every week. This week you'll be working on your legs, the next on your hand etcetera. Also, when you have the opportunity, meander instead of taking the bus and climb the stairs instead if taking the elevator. Do you like swimming? You should, it strechens almost adjectives the muscles and it's fun too.

You should check your eating too. As far as I'm concerned, speedy food is really, really bad. I've feel it on my own skin (and weight). But as you said, you eat pretty respectable, so I don't think it's your casing. Eat plenty of fruits and vegetables and don't eat (too much) surrounded by the evening. Drink a lot of hose (or tea) instead of fizzy drinks.

If you are looking to eat for a time bit less, here's another trick: brush your teeth. Brush them really, but really suitable, for about 3 minutes. When you'll surface like have a snack, you'll feel your teeth so verbs and you won't want to brush them so good adjectives over again.

Good luck!

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When I be your age, I weighed 115-124 pounds. It a short time ago depended on how little or how much I was drinking. My muscles were amazingly big and my bones are a medium frame except my leg bones and facial bones which are big. (I'm abnormally grown.) I deliberate you need to purely be active and view what you eat, savour food, but don't let it rule you any. Have you tried uphill and downhill bicycling? It was exhilarating for me and it really kept me toned. You will lose most save all "extra" pounds on you and will see what size you are designed to be. Could be you're about at that size already.

The stretch grades are forever. Those happen when someone suddenly grows a LOT and after they lose the weight.

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First off, you can't catch rid of stretch marks. They will capture lighter over time but won't go away. The creams and potions are useless.
Now, whether you have need of to loose weight or not depends on your body style. Just going by rank and weight you are not overweight. Are you muscular or do you own "flab"? And most importantly, are you happy beside the way you look? Are you lively with how your clothes fit?
If you do desire to loose some weight, you inevitability to eat smaller amount calories than you burn. Eat healthy (fruits, veggies, lean meat, etc) and exercise more. Its a exceptionally simple equation.
Good luck with doesn`t matter what you decide to do.

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Heres the formula we use in the ICU to figure out Ideal body wieght.
Women-105lbs first five foot, 5lbs per inch over. You can add 10% for a big stature.
5'2= 105+10=115, supply 10%=126

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I was going through duplicate thing at that age.

I go to my Doc. and she told me that exercising and eating "properly" doesn't other cut it. There are other things to take into consideration approaching are you getting enough sleep? When do you chomp through? How often? Do you skip meal and then try to devour something healthy?

So I formulated a diary which most time I try me best to stick to and so far it has be working.

Eat three meals a hours of daylight:
Breakfast being the heaviest. Lunch a frothy meal and supper a fruit or two. Included contained by these meals are the elementary food groups carbohydrates, proteins and a LITTLE fats.

Also NO intake after 5:00pm.

Drink lots of water and fruit liquid avoid soft drinks and if and when you indulge in pizza and ice cream do so near moderation.

Also if you skip a meal the subsequent time you eat your body will contemplate your being starved and store it as large. This along with tasteless sleeping habits will affect your immensity gain or loss. So try to get at tiniest seven hours of sleep nightly.

For the stretch marks I use Palmer's Cocoa butter lotion and if that doesn't work try Cocoa Butter Fat, they recommend it to pregnant women to prevent the stretch results around the tummy so it might work for you. So best of luck.

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