Frequent UTI?

I've been getting UTIs more or less once a month to every other month. My doctor said that I should drink more water and jump to the bathroom before and after sex. I've be doing both these things but they keep coming subsidise. My doctor keeps putting me on antibiotics but I be wondering if there's something I can do for more long permanent status results? Or should I be more concerned about the issue?

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A few things that people occasionally mention are:

- Don't wear synthitic, silk, or satin underpants. COTTON ONLY.

- Don't consume too many foods glorious in sugar. Sugar feed the bacteria contained by your bladder, believe it or not.

- If you use panty liners for on a daily basis discharge, DON'T! They keep the body from breathng, and the moisture give a hand to breed bacteria.

- If you use pad for your period, try switching to tampons. Also, if you hold a LOT of pubic hair within your lower region, trim or shave it.
I was told to do this when I be much younger (similar situation...VERY frequent UTI's and I wasn't sexually active). The doctor told me to take these measures and sure adequate, the UTI's stopped almost immediately.

Good luck...I know they can suck.

Tips!= preferably lone women?

if you are doing what the doctor says and verbs with the problem, i am going to give just a couple of things: don't wear tight fitting jeans, dont' nick bubble baths, wipe from front to back, don't practice anal sex. These are only just a few other possible causes but I judge your doctor may need to do a check to look for further causes. Chronic UTI's are no fun. Good luck.

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Frequent UTI's can be cause by multiple partners, (bacteria's that are present contained by each partner) If your merely having intercourse near one partner than ask that someone if they are sleeping with someone else. I worked within OB-GYN for years and this was the incentive of almost every girl's "frequent UTI" problem.

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I know exactly how it feels! Definately do what the doc said. I hold to take cranberry pills on a daily basis with my multivitamin. It's easier said than done to remember to take one every afternoon, but in the long run you will be glad you did. I own the painful burning when I drink soda and tea. If you drink soda on a regular cause, you should either cut posterior or find something you can replace it with. I stopped drinking soda later summer and I haven't had a UTI since! I own also heard beforehand that females had constant UTIs from drinking out of styrofoam cups. I don't know the serving spoon on that but you could also take that into consideration.

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I used to get a great deal of UTIs. My doctor would also put me on antibiotics... for awhile he had me on a low dose antibiotic every daylight. Well nothing seem to be working so he did a cystoscope and come to find out I have interstitial cystitis consequently he put me on Elmiron and I've been fine since!

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The other answers are great. But you should also avoid wearing thong underwear. That slim strip of material truly rubs back and forth adjectives day transferring microbes from your rectal area to your vagina.

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