How do you treat cramps when on your cycle?


I am 19 n my penis size is 5 inch.will it satisfy girls?

Please do accomplish exercise everyday targeting the lower abdomen(esp. 2 weeks past your menstrual cycle) this would circulate the blood flow. If it still hurts, take mefenamic bitter 500mg and take a rest as this would really abet. I f it doesn't, please consult a doctor:)

Re: Brazilian waxing.?

I made my ex-wife trade surrounded by her menstrual cycle on a Honda. It used to vapor-lock some, no cramps.


Try ibuprofen, heat pad or exercise.

Blahbody/pregnancy press =/?

It is very simple win down first & relax by breathing deeply while dong so press your muscels soathingly. Time again pinch very adjectives breath & exale thro your mouth. llie on back do shava asana - only like ded body sleep.

Does the egg cell bestow after woman ejaculation?

try asprin,it works for me.

Plez help me!!?

Drink chamomile tea it other works for me, and if they're really bad drink it near a motrin.

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