Tampon and mother quiz...

We went on a vacation (my mom and I), and we be around a lot of water, so my mom asked me if I know to use tampons when you go swimming and then she said that she would buy little ones after I told her that when we go swimming the day before I didn't hold any. But she is forgetful and she might not remember to buy them. And I HATE pads. How do I remind her and ask her if I can use tampons adjectives the time instead of pads?

Answers:    Just ask her. Remember your mum has have or still has a period, so she will work out..
mothers advice. Just ask her. don't be afraid. more parents would rather you ask them than someone else. my 13yr feeble started her period last year and I told her roughly using the tampon this year because she started her period before going to swim military camp. you just need to be responsible in the region of changing them. that was my solely concern when she started using them. don't be afraid talk to your mom. good luck I remember self this worried about periods and holidays and discussion to your mum about it. But your mum has be through it all, and she honestly will be happy for you to bring it up, don't be confused. It'll become less embarrassing when you gain more used to them and soon you'll have no trouble buying your own tampons.

Good luck!.
Just go ask her. If she's the one who brought it up contained by the first place, she'll be glad you remembered, and you'll be happier for it!

Good luck, and have fun swimming!.
Write tampons on the shopping list or shift with her and remind her in the sports car.

You could also say remember when you said I could use tampons? Can you go buy me some because I don't resembling to use pads anymore.

Good Luck!*.
She is your mom!! dont be scared..

and if you do not want to mention it next go to the shop with her and purely put them in the cart when she is not looking!!.
Remind her to buy them and report her that you HATE pads. Tell her that you would rather her buy tampons adjectives of the time instead of pads. well lately bring little things up like eww i hate pad and stuff or write a note and put it on her dresser or something i hope this helps .
Say similar to. I want to go swimming but I cant right now or something thats a pretty honourable hint.. just simply explain to her why you don't close to pads and i'm sure she will be okay with it..
um...freshly ask? Buy them yourself? ask her did she get the woman supplies.
just remind her?

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