My husband lovingly told me ultimate night that he think i may be chemically imbalanced...?

i DO NOT want to be put on an anti depressant. No offense to anyone that is. I know i may stipulation to one day.but i want to try untaught herbs or something first.I don`t know ST JOHNS wort.does that help? anyone? discuss.

Is it okay to transmutation brands of birth control pills after 2 days of taking it?

You may not have a chemical inequality, your body may be nutrient deprived. Certain disorders such as bipolar are contributed by a lack of a clear in your mind vitamin nutrient.

Try talking to your Dr. or a Nutritionist almost vitamin deficiencies back suggesting antidepressants.

Hi i am 18 and i have amazingly small breasts.please suggest some ayurvedic medicine to increase its size?

hmmmm try horse steroids.

Should i?.. please serve?

that stuff dont work hun u need the physical meds they work my ex was bipolar when she be on her meds you could chat to her when she was rotten i was similar to hun wanna go fishing against a boat. lol j/k

I had sex a week ago. My ending period concluded about two weeks ago. Could I be pregnant?

Talk to your doctor. They may be capable of make suggestions save for medication. Therapy may be a non-prescription answer.
You may have some mis-information in the region of how anti-depressants effect you. Your doctor is your best bet.
You are lucky to have a husband that care enough in the order of you to let you know lovingly that he see a problem. He wants to see you thrilled again. You have a honourable start with such a supportive partner. Good luck and God Bless.

Vaginal Discharge..Worried!?

sweet... the first item's probably to talk to your doctor, he'll know how to discuss with you ways of dealing next to things - if you're depressed, it might be worth talking to someone, to some extent than assuming anti-depressants are the way forward. or see if in that's any alternative medical providers in your nouns - such as acupuncture, homeopathy etc.

What is the avarage age for a girl to menstruate?

I have be battling depression for 19 years very soon (first diagnosed when I was 10). I single recently go on anti depression medication for it (I was sick and tired of mortal sick and tired). I am a huge fan of behavior modification dream therapy and therapy within general. I tend to shy away from fluent herbs because studies enjoy been iffy on the nonspecific safety and efficacy of them (for example, st johns wort lowers the usefulness of the birth control pill and when taken in tandem they are both smaller amount effective). I suggest seeing a psychologist (not a psychiatrist - big difference. Psychiatrists push medication, psychologists listen and talk.) Therapy for me help immensely. Even though I finally caved and go on medication, the therapy still help daily and I still turn every month to my therapist. It's nice of late to have somewhere sheltered to go where on earth i can talk roughly speaking how I feel in need judgement. Now that I'm pregnant I can no longer take my medication, but the module I've learned surrounded by therapy unquestionably make these 9 months bareable! Good luck!

Help i ponder i might pregnant/?

What a weird, possibly cruel point for a husband to say.

My boyfriend suffers from depression. He's never be clinically diagnosed because he is vehemently defiant going on any kind of drugs. But considering it seem to run in his kinfolk and he meets adjectives of the symptoms, we're pretty sure.

Anyway, I'm a firm believer that depression and chemical imbalances can be treated easily. The first thing to do is realize them. Keep a journal of your thoughts and behaviors and identify what make both you and your hubby think this is going on. You CAN see a doctor, but stress that you do not want to be medicated. The doc can't force it on you.

Next, I significantly recommend doing some reading about mental condition. There are tons of books and websites out there near great information. Some of those may have suggestions for intuitive herbs or vitamins that may relief.

Last, exercise. I know it seems close to a weird suggestion, and I'm not one to supply advice on exercising, but so various people insist that it help the brain as well as the body.

Hope this help. And I hope your husband meant that surrounded by a helpful style.

Is there such a entity as a vaginal fart?

Try chocolate, try vitamins, try calcium tablets, try chamomile tea...then email me when those don't work.

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