How often do you hold to have a pap exam?

some say if a pap oral exam is done less than 4 months from the previous one is not accurate, some speak 6 months. i need some accurate answer please anyone?thanx

Period im still concerned.?

Docs recommend that you own a pap test every year unless you enjoy an abnormal try-out.

Ok here it goes.does any other woman wonder why their inner thighs are a brownish color? why does this appear?

If you are being followed up on for a previous irregular try-out then, yes, but otherwise to be precise too soon.

Likelihood of being pregnant?

why dont u own a chat witha professional in the paddock. I believe more in their answers.

Stress and slow period?

Once a year is fine for stout women with no history of cancer. A suspicious pap smear is recurrently followed-up in a few months to see if the condition clears on its own, which does come up many times.

Please lend a hand?

I do it every year.

How do I tell if I'm have hot flashes or just hot from the heat?

You should have a pap done once a year if your first one is mundane. If your first one isn't normal, the doctor will own you come in routinely every 4 to 6 months to eyeshade for cervical cancer and check for the amount of abnormal cell. If you do a pap today and then do another tomorrow, the results will be alike...either average or abnormal.

Thing covering vagina?

It's recommended to hold one done yearly for a check up. The best time is roughly 2 weeks after your period and do not enjoy sex at least 24 hours in the past.

Odor down there. give support to!?

Once a year

I HATE my birth control! HELP!?

Umm... i going into the Nursing field and okay planned parenthood come buy and that was one of the question. Diabetes Association says by 18 so that they can be aware of any cancer but, for the most slice you can go every time you translate sex partners or if they ask you to a follow-up usually b/c you come back positive but they see no symptom sand they stipulation to see if it's the case but for just to surrounded by sure your health. Also, b/c the womens body can verbs itself and sometimes that has worked. You should move about anytime you feel the involve really even if your not sexually active to generate sure you don't have cancer.

Tampon back!?

It should be once a year unless you have "woman issues". And afterwards if you have a couple years within a row with a monogamous relationship, they may cut it down to once every two years. If you are sexually busy, and not in a monogamous relationship, you may want to budge a little more habitually, like twice a year. Ask your doc what they suggest.

Help contraceptive pill nightmare!!?

You should hold a pap test once a year. The solely time you should have a pap assessment more than once a year is if your doctor found something questionable in your results.

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