And again what's the best protection to not have babies? condoms are adequate?


On 6th day of my extent i had sex and very soon i have taken Levonorgestrel tablet after 72 hrs can i b pregnent?

Condoms are great to protect against STD's but use another form of birth control as resourcefully. Of 100 women whose partners use just condoms, about 15 will become pregnant during the first year of typical use. The pill is one of the most impressive reversible methods of birth control. If used in combination next to condoms, you should be well protected adjectives around. There are several types of pill available, so talk near your doctor. You can figure out the best choice for you. Check out the planned maternity website. They list adjectives forms of birth control, and what to expect with respectively type.

Good luck

An effective agency to loose weight within about a month.?

not have sex at all, however, if you must do the do later try condoms or try taking some type of birth control pill. those help

Is it possible that one of my boobs be bigger than the other?

The best protection is condoms and another form of birth control.

What the Heck is it?

Abstain. It will save you from getting STDs, too.

I have not have a physcial in years?

Sex is for making babies. If you don't want babies, don't own sex.

Who let the dogs out?

abstinence is the best method to not getting pregnant, but if you are already sexually live, condoms and birth control are your best bet. just pay attention and make sure that you are using them correctly

Mk,*embarrased*can any girls minister to me?

condoms are about 97% percent affective. most women use both birth control, and condoms, for the maximum protection. condoms can too smoothly come off, break, or be conveniently forgotten to work severely effectively. atleast, thats what i think!

Can you achieve pregnant whilst being on the pill?

condoms and birth control pills. or he can hold a vasectomy.

How long are the average female nipples?

best protection?
surgical sterilization

clad? but not 100% foolproof
condom ( to prevent STDS) if not surrounded by a long term already get tested relationship
the pill or other form of female reproductive protection

Im a women contained by my 40's and due to go on a summer holiday ?

The BEST protection is to NOT enjoy sex - can't get pregnant that method.
Look within yourself and see why you'd want to do something, anything at adjectives that you weren't willing to live beside the consequences.

Question for the mature ladies out near?

well having no sex at adjectives is...but if you are sexually active afterwards condoms aren't enough...comdoms are just 97% using the pill or patch or the depo provera shot would make it 100%...

How risky is it to own sexual relations with my girlfriend but other interrupting the ejaculation inside her

Abstinence is the 100% protection.

If that's not what you want, though, then I'd suggestion another method in tally to a condom, such as a spermicide...
There is the pill... there are lots forms of BC out there.

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