Knowing your cycle?

I was on a site trying to predict my subsequent period and be asked how long my cycle was... i enjoy no clue. I usually mark the time that I get my interval but not the day that it stops. I'm also reasonably confused as to WHEN exactly your period stops. Usually for me its hefty for about 2 days later just trails sour for quite some time. Does my time of year stop when I start to see clear discharge again or when it's not a heavy flow anymore?


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To know your cycle you count from the first day of your final period to the first hours of daylight of your next length and it is normally anywhere from 28 to 35 days. But if you own just started your time of year then probability are it is not going to be normal. Your time stops when there is no more blood, which could be any where on earth from 3 to 7 days.

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