Girls one and only please?

is a period terrifying? i need some one to recount me about it please.


No,its a blessing...seriously if you go and get your peroid you are in the womens club. it is sometimes may not realize it but you will be greatful one day...ask your mom

Menstrual length for seven straight months. doc put me on progesterone for 10 days.?

you should ask your mom. it's not scary but it is a huge transition. if you can't ask your mom try conversation to the school nurse. you shouldn't be asking going on for this online.
it will be weird for you at first but you will revise to adjust.

Does it always smell approaching fish?

it is nothing to verbs about

you just procure it usually once a month once you hit puberty (depends on the body when you get it) and you a moment ago discharge blood. You will have cramping in the stomach and bloating, but nought to worry something like

Breast Tumors?

Nah. It becomes this burden really. It isn't upsetting at all. Just a few days out of the month where on earth your skin starts to feel alittle bit more fatty, and you have to walk the bathroom a little more habitually to chance your tampon or wipe. You may feel cramping in your stomach and thats where on earth we thank Midol for making such wonderful medicine for helping near that. lol. You may also experience bloating, achyness, or feel tired.

It generally lasts anywhere from 3-7 days, and the blood flow vary. Some days it could be very table lamp, other days it could be pretty heavy. There is really nought scary going on for it. You should mark down on your calender when you grasp it - like put a litlte star on the hours of daylight or something - and then splodge down when it goes away.

Keep track of this over a few months. your first few period will probably be a little bit irregular. If you find that after a few months your term is still irregular talk to your parents give or take a few going on birth control just to give a hand regulate your period.

Don't verbs, you have nil to worry nearly:)


No, not scary. Every single woman you see go through it and it is fine. My daughter is 14 and just get hers, sometimes she has a touch bit of cramps on the first day but usually she doesn't. When she does, she merely takes a Midol and is fine. If you are ashamed to talk to someone, be in motion to the library and get a book. It will answer adjectives your questions and fashion you feel more comfortable.

If I'm on birth conrtol pills?

hi,here.a period is a organic thing that girls step through when they start may cramp with bleeding but you are competent to go almost your daily duration routine.either use maxi pad or tampons to catch the blood and give somebody a lift a pain reliever to serve with any cramp.if you need anymore give a hand i would go to a feminine friend or family bough with more question.goodluck,lulu

Is there such an infection as PNE?

No you just bleed for a week and after that's it you might get cramps but am sure u can touch them...

I've had my spell 3 times in days gone by 4 weeks, with hard to digest bleeding what could this be? please help!?

Nope. not worrisome. Just annoying. You can ask your school nurse to hand over you some brochures and pamplets to read. Best source is your mom.

Is cumm good for drinking?

it might be shocking at first, but it wouldnt be fearsome.. you just enjoy blood coming out of you suddenly.. i was freaked out when i first get mine.. but it was okay, i dont approaching bleeding, but it's not horrible.. just love your self and your body. period area sign of growing up and becoming more of a woman.

Had a colcoscopy for cervical cancer ending week.?


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