Birth Control Pill interrogate and anxiety...?

26 year old womanly who suffered a miscarraige in January. Was 10 weeks along. Had be getting progesterone injections weekly from the beginning of pregnancy because level were low. When miscarriage happen, naturally the injections completed also. From that time I have be sufferering from anxiety and some panic attacks. Something I never experienced previously. I was also on the pill right up to that time I got pregnant. My sound out is, if I were to dance back on the pill very soon do you think it might match me out more hormonaly? I don't know if it is the hormonal imbalance to be exact causing the anxiety or what. I be on the pill for years before I become pregnant. BTW, I am going to see my dr. in a few hours but I just looked-for some more feedback from the ladies. Thank you!

Can the menopause be 'induced' as it were?

I'm sorry to hear roughly speaking your loss. The answer to your question depends on your hormone level when you are not pregnant. If your hormone levels are ordinary now, you probably won't call for birth control to regulate them. If your hormone levels are askew very soon, birth control may help even them out.

The anxiety you are suffering might be due to your recent loss. Talk to your doctor nearly how you feel and the two of you can settle on on a course to follow. Therapy might help or medication may be needed. I hope this help somewhat and again, I'm sorry for you loss.

Does hymen mem sure sign of virginity?

You should see an Endocrinologist to find out.

Normally the kind of hormonal discrepancy you speak of does not cause anxiety. It would be an lack of correspondence somewhere else.

I have a hormonal discrepancy myself and I did not experience what you are experiencing.

Would i be able to concive?

If you be to have symptoms related to low hormone level, anxiety and panic attacks would not be one of them. It's newly not associated with birth control or reproductive hormones close to progesterone.

Your anxiety might be from the miscarriage. I am really sorry to hear about your loss. Even at 10 weeks I know you have some hopes and dreams for your little one.

So, to answer your question, going on birth control will not bring symmetry to your moods or dispel your anxiety. Instead, take a silence moment soon to sit down and think just about what might be causing this. Sometimes it's not what you dream up, or it might not be that obvious, but something is bothering you for sure to be cause those symptoms.

Best of luck...and take guardianship.

Only for girls (HELP)?

Hi Hon, I know your story because we have chatted until that time. i am in birth control and why i notice no positive side effects regarding anixety, i enjoy had no denial either and they do not have any adverse reactions when mortal mixed withe the antidepressants. My pill is Yasmi. Good Luck! K.I.T

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