Am i too bushy?

will another female please make clear to me if i am too hairy within my pubic area? i am 18 and i expect i have method more hair than other girls my age, but i don't know what a ordinary amount is. i don't want to shave it, i just want to know if i enjoy way more than others. i can help yourself to a picture and show another girl

Can u tell me if u catch fishy white stuff on your underpants?

I think you are contained by the wrong site if you want someone to "look" at your areas! You nerver know what kind of perevert will claim they are another girl and will share you weller or not you are to hairy.

I just now found out that im pregnant and im going to the dr. in a couple of days ,i just considered necessary to know..?

OK... Ill IM you right now although I don't know what you would consider a normal amount . :) I shave mine adjectives the time!!

Why can you not take birth control when you reckon your pregnant?

If you don't want to shave it you can always only trim it. I think by relating people that you will distribute them a pic you will get profoundly of perves...but good luck.

I hold the implantion but i dont thinkthats what it is.?

if u have curly fleece it may look like more than it sure it is run of the mill ! like the other girl said.monitor out for perves!!

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The amount of pubic spike varies greatly from woman to woman; ethnicity or tribal affiliation may be a factor in this. As a Labor and Delivery Room Nurse, I own seen the private parts of hundreds of women of adjectives ages and races. From my experience, I can vote that in common, Asian women have scarce pubic curls {some have none at all}, while African-American women enjoy more abundant amounts of pubic fuzz. White women in broad have moderate amounts of pubic quill, and Latinas vary from moderate to plentiful amounts. If you feel self-conscious with the amount or lenght of your pubic fleece and don't want to shave or wax it, you have the option of trimming it.

How swift can we grow hair.?

hair is not sexy. if you dont want to shave it, wax it.

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It's relly not a such thing as the "average amount of hair" because some girls have alot and some enjoy none and i'm guessin from tha way you asked this interrogate that you still a virgin

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