Haven't have my period on the other hand?

i am getting older! i want to find out why i haven't had my length yet! i know this is unconfortable to ask.. but w/e


What if i own bad cramps but but am afraid to ask my mom to buy midol?

how hoary? if i were you, i'd collaborate to ur mom, ask when she got it, that should make available you some clue as to when you will get it too. also, if you are little and slight (like me) you probly won't get you're spell till your 13-14, (like me) don't worry, you're usual. and i know it's hard cuz adjectives ur friends are "women" and your not, but bleeding "down there" doesn't make them any more mature then you!

Third term in 30 days, is this average?

Well first off how infirm are you? Every girl is going to get their period at different times in nearby life.

Does anyone know any tricks for putting in the instead softcup?

If you're not 16 all the same and you've not gotten your first period, you're clearly normal and on top form and you should just delight in not having to menstruate. Not everyone starts their extent before afterwards.

If you're 16 or older, you should see a gynecologist to be checked out for some adjectives female vigour issues. I've known of girls to not start their first spell until they were 18 and they be perfectly natural.

How do you stop these hot flushes?

well how old r u?

How long or big should my penis be a age13?

hi newly go my length to lyk the 18 this month and im 13 i had such unpromising acne then lyk weeks past it came acne started to clear up my boobs be getting bigger no worries all my friends have thiers and i got so frustrated because i only wanted it to gain it over with..i be aware of for youu signs are you breast size will increase if you have doomed to failure acne it will decrease and you will win some other stuff but just consult to yerr mom ..ask her to buy pads so you are prepared my mom bought mine when i be 11..lol

Constipation and weightseriously?

Well i kno you might get tired of audible range this but every woman's body matures at different times. Sorry, have to say it again. But it's tru. I've hear that if you're really active within sports then your length doesn't come for a while. Maybe you should talk to your doctor lately in skin.

Best of luck to you

Needing some advice please.?

You shouldn't verbs!
If you are 12 you still have time :)

False unenthusiastic (blood) pregnancy test?

Hey! I am 12 too. Don't verbs. Your obviosly not like me, because I get mine early. But, sometimes inhabitants get it at 13, even 14! I wouldn't verbs. You don't want it, or do you? It's a pain contained by the neck, especially when you own sports. So live your life while you can, until you draw from it. Your lucky, you really are!

Shouldn't I be expecting by now?

Don't verbs. I didn't get mine till i be 14. At the time all my friends get there formerly me - or so i thought, but in years to come I discovered some of them be bluffing.

I thought I would never catch up. And I be flat-chested too. I thought they would never grow. But you know, it was worth the linger. I got a clad size chest at 20, indeed much better than my friends and they commented on it. don't worry roughly being bringing up the rear the others. You will get in attendance. If you get to 16 and still zilch, then see your doctor, but really I surmise you will be fine.

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