Does a guys physical appearance really situation to girls?

Answers:    Initially yes, but, honest to god, when a guy has a great character and is really likable, girls start thinking he looks good.. unless unsurprisingly there is something REALLY wrong.. but seriously. Sometimes I see guys near amazing personalities and surmise "gosh he is hot" and then subsequent i realize "man, he's really not that attractive" but i disregard that and still think hes hot.
First impressions count.I muse more than actual physical appearance is the way guys are "put together".ya know? Like does it look similar to they put effort into their appearance? Don't capture me doesn't hurt to be a cutie...but a cutie slob isn't attractive. I'd have to influence that (for me) at first the answer is yes. Then I would get to know them to find out if I resembling his personality. However, at hand have be a couple times that at first meeting someone I didn't find them too attractive, but after spending time around them and getting to know them I if truth be told became attracted to him. Thus, I found him attractive after seeing his opinion of yourself.
it does matter to most because its what draws a human being to get to know him. in opposition alot of unattractive guys out at hand are more worth the time and effort of the cute ones but alot of females look bygone that if the person is unatractive and un social he wont return with noticed but if he is talktive and shows the genuine him he will succeed hell yeh dont listen to all other answers, everyone is attracted to looks
As long as he is a great guy inside...
It really doesn't situation to most, I believe, but it doesn't mean you shouldn't try to look correct. the eyes got it adjectives baby it make me instantly attracted and like wow factor
If single a first impression, yes, looks count. But if I go and get to know someone who I am not immediately attracted to and I similar to their personality etc etc. that could be adequate, too. Looks can only run you so far. It is when you first meet. I wouldn't really approach someone that I didn't find attractive. But I guess I'm a short time ago young.
Then you start to know a guy and if you don't approaching his personality depsite his flawless looks I would lose interest. It is about who they really are. I would choose a moderately upright looking open minded and down to mud guy over a extremely hot conceded **.
Its the first immpression.. Of course it matters.. Who will requests to get to know in the order of a guy if he wear singlets, shorts, slippers and walk on the street (unless his a really cool hunk that even such clothing looks moral on him).. =P Yeah but no. Most girls like the opening guys look and act and some one and only care in the order of the looks and some only trouble about how they perform. But everyone is different ya know.
Sorry to say, but definatley

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