Sores in Mouth - When I eat Certain foods adjectives of a sudden I get these tiny bumps in my?

When I devour Certain foods all of a sudden I take these tiny bumps in my Mouth & are very sore if I save eatting what im eatting.but after a few mins they go away & next I can start eatting again.Anyway have a clue what this is?

Irregular period?

They're canker sores, you usually get them when you guzzle foods with a big acidity. They're extremely small and filled near fluid, look almost like a white-head zit. You're lucky yours dance away so quickly, when I carry them they usually last for a sunshine or so. If yours ever happen to stay around a while, in that are over-the-counter gels you can use to treat them.

I ponder I might have PCOS?

could also be an allergic counterattack, go to a doc and enjoy them check it out. if it would help, bring something near you to eat that you know will raison d`??tre the symtoms.

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