Breast enlargement cause by birth control pills?
I am to some extent large-chested, and I STILL grew with Yasmin. It's totally usual. Most women have one breast larger than the other, so I wouldn't be too concerned. You may even out, especially if you basically started taking the pill, so give it rather time. If there is a big difference surrounded by size between your breasts, you may want to see your doctor to make sure it isn't some sort of hormone-sensitive tumor that's lead to your increased growth. Your breasts should return to normal if you stop taking the pill, unless your increased breast size be due to weight gain where case you will own to work to lose the weight until that time your breast size will decrease. Good luck :)
I don't know in the order of whether or not you should stop taking the pill, but lots of girls and women have breasts that are different sizes, whether or not they are on the pill. However, if this is a relatively tentative development, you might want to enjoy your doctor check you out.
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