Is here a agency I can gross myself return with more curves?

I don't have that much curves and I want more sexy curves...Is in that any way I can shape it up for good?

Answers:    Hey MHz AZ,

I'm going to make an erudite guess, given your user name, and enunciate that you are an Asian girl/woman. I would say to you, embrace your crude body shape. I realize other girls/women may have bigger hips afterwards you, bigger breast then you, or of late a bit more "meat" then you, but that doesn't engineer them any more attractive then you. Don't allow this to clear you feel in short supply! I know it seems that adjectives the guys are chasing after the girls with quote sexier curves and or these type of girls give the impression of being to get more attention. You hold to understand, confidence is sexy. Work next to what you've been blessed near. Trust me once you start catering to your own body shape and start exuding more confidence, you'll feel that sexiness that you so desire! Play around next to clothes, there is so much out in that. They have clothes that practically enhance or augment anything and everything. There are also supposed hormones on the open market, that quote augment your body and give you more curves. I don't buy that and I've never hear anyone singing the praises of such products! The only alternative solution is getting cosmetic surgery. If this is a route you plan to move about, please do your research. Getting surgery is serious business. Although cosmetic surgery is prevalent in our society, nearby are many risk factor you need to consider. You have need of to also keep surrounded by mind, you might not get the desired results. Its going to help yourself to some real money and the right surgeon to even get hold of close to your desired results, while still avoiding any complications or side effects. Good luck to you.

-Avid C
Really the only bearing is to gain weight.

I hold curves but i dont really care for them, they in recent times make me look podgy.

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