Am I have a miscarriage?

I am 22 years old contained by a long-term, sexually active relationship. I am on the birth control pill and enjoy been for days gone by year, but we do not use any other forms of contraception. About three weeks ago I experienced some mild breast tenderness, which I simply chalked up to PMS. My length started as usual a week later, however it be much lighter and shorter than usual, even for a birth control period. I resumed taking my pill that Sunday, but roughly one week then I began bleeding again, despite have been regularly taking my pill. Only this time it be very sturdy, very darkened, clotted and accompanied by substantial cramping. It has slowly be tapering rotten for the past two days, but I hold never had such immense bleeding in my life. Could I enjoy been one of the 1% of birth control users who get pregnant, and am now experiencing a miscariage? Thank you for adjectives answers.

Severe cramping during the middle of the month?

it definitly sounds like you did miscarry.. My sister and also a couple of my friends enjoy all concieved while on their Birth control pill... So it isnt singular.. Obviously you arent wanting to concieve otherwise u wouldnt be on birthcontrol, however I would definitly use other protection against pregnancy as well.. Nothing is guaranteed, one and only abstinence.. If you are experiencing anymore period like this I would produce an appt. with your OBGYN to find out the root lead to of the problem, it could just be that your period are still trying to regulate seeing as how u havent been on it but a year.. Hope this help! Good luck sweetie!!

Contracepive pill not agreeing with me what is a obedient alternative?

I don't know. Go to the store and get a pregnancy try-out then no event what the results make an appointment beside your gyn on Monday. You may just involve to change your pill prescription...logically it is also possible to get pregnant on the pill. I believe it's only almost 98-99.9% effective. The individual thing thats 100% is abstinance or surgery.

Belly Feels peculiar?

Sounds like you may own miscarried. That early nearby is nothing to verbs about. Take your pill at alike time every day. You should use condoms temporarily.

How to grow and nouns deeper?

im sorry, i know i am not answering your question, but if you find any answers, please permit me know, i am having indistinguishable problem!! thanks!!

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