Girl Help!! please!!?

ok well, my friend is in the 6th order and i'm in high institution, but she had her period, and i be wondering what advice can i give her, and how can i give a hand her?? she is really young, and i really want to help her out. any accepted wisdom??

Answers:    Buy her a cute bags to put her pads contained by and support her and tell her iff she ever has any problems next call me.((well call u haha)hope i help.xoxo.
The most important thing to relay her is to never panic or be stressed about human being irregular or having painful cramps. In the first year her term will be very sporadic. Stress can often worsen irregularity. Another point is to maintain good hygiene during her length. I'm not sure what your level of sex ed is in your nouns as many schools lately ignore it, but being suspicious about tampon use is very far-reaching. Toxic shock which comes from leaving a tampon in for too long can do serious infection.

Hope this helps!.
Ok, help her near what? What to do?
Since you are in high college, you should def know!
She needs to tell her mother or father & breed them aware of it.
She needs to stock up on pads & perchance some pain medicine - if she's cramping.
The library have great books available on women's health - if she has question.
She needs to know to stay away from boys for several years & that YES you can get pregnant the first time, even if he withdraw!
If you are trying to help her - and she has not a soul else, give it to her straight & honest :)
Well my 17 and my younger sister is in 6th level. She hasn't gotten her's yet, but if she did I would suggest never wearing white when it's time for your period. Don't start using a tampon till you start giant school. Don't take too much Advil because it if truth be told makes you bleed heavier. I hope this was polite. You're such a nice friend. GOOD LUCK!! go and look up free samples (pads and tampons) and describe her to order them, OB tampons have a really cool indication that comes in a small plastic carrying case to put contained by your purse or school bag and kotex, tampax and other probably have free samples too.
speak about her about your experience and find some books or websites that she can go to on her own time.

a worthy book is, the care and the keeping of you,
a good website is

Buy her a cute little purse to hold on to her pads in. Tell her that hydrogen peroxide get blood out of most everything. Midol works miracles. Heating pads are a big help. It will adjectives be ok. Girls are starting their periods younger and younger these days. Buy her some pad and tampons and give her some Midol and she'll be fine. .
well she should share her mom and get her a cute bag to put her pad and tampons in!

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