Am i pregnet,...?

i have have my period since i be 8 and it has be 2 months since i had my second one,.. im still a virgin is there any possible road that i could be pregnet,.. im really scared to detail my mom about it,.. what should i do!?!

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Hi, economically being a industrial virgin doesnt really avoid getting pregnant. If youve had any type of physical contact near a guy or sperm you could be pregnant. But dont worry basically yet, at hand are so many reason why your period stops. One of them is mortal overweight or a hormonal disvalance. If you feel confident you havent be in a situation be you might have be close to semen tell your mom if you enjoy any doubts about what you enjoy been doing very well they sell pregnancy test in the dollar stores immediately days I dont know how well they work but its better than nought. Good luck you sound massively yung I hope everything turns ok for you.

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if your a virgin you cant be...

My final period be 3 weeks ago and now Im have strange bleeding now, what could it be?

You CANNOT be pregnant(the correct spelling) if you own not had sex.

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you're not pregnant.

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no you are not pregnant, youare still a virgin!

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Well no, there's probably an inbalance, ask your mom to pinch you to the doc.

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Calm down, you are not pregnant. It's normal to hold all these question and fears because its something that you dont know. I know I had profoundly of questions too. You should give an account your mom because it may be a hormonal problem or maybe your too stressed. Calm down and discuss to someone you trust. Good luck!

What are those red jelly-like things in a girl's period?

I don't suppose you are the only means of access you could be is if a man ejaculated hard by you vagina opening but later the chances are hugely slim.

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I hope not with your 3rd status spelling

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well, if your are only 8 your interval probably hasn't started full on yet, it happen to all girls, it go on and off don't verbs.

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I don't think so since your a virgin..a short time ago tell your mom explain to her that you haven't have any serious relationship with guy but haven't have your period for 2 months

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Unless your given name is Mary and you have your eye on the cute local carpenter I estimate you're safe. Talk to your mother, you could enjoy a variety of condition issues that need to be address.

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lets be credible. i dont mean to panic you. but it IS possible to be pregnant without have sex.

if you are sexually active and the guy come on you, it may lead to pregnancy. if thats the casing. go to local store capture a preg. test and procure tested.

Help?!?girls only Qabout period?

If you were beside a guy and he came to hand your vah-jay-jay, then nearby is a possibility that you might have become pregnant. If not, then possibly stress and/or diet are playing a part surrounded by delaying or varying your monthly cycle.

See a doctor, but be honest with yourself and your parents. Plan for the subsequent step and the next two steps.

Best of luck to you. I know someday you will be a great mom, I don't know if you are geared up for that challenge immediately.

Cervical cancer?

It is impossible to be pregnant if you are still a virgin. It is very adjectives to have a few missed period,all it is is irregularity which money your period can not be predicted for a few months. It should be hindmost to normal within a few months so don't worry,duplicate thing happen to my friend.

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Are you a virgin or "technically a virgin"? If you were exposed to seminal fluids from other events, it is not outside the realm of possibility that you may concieve ...but it's NOT feasible.

Please tell your mom. You may have need of to see a doctor. Sometimes other health issues can basis delays surrounded by menses. Anorexia, obesity, thyroid problems or plain-old stress can delay your period.

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You cannot be pregnant w/o have sex. Depending on ur age, could be just your cycle is still irregular and take time to get contained by track. Ask your mom about it, she'll communicate you. Good luck!

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if u are a virgin.then u are not. did u hold unprotected sex?

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Last I checked, babies weren't implanted messily into young girls, lol!

There is NO possible path you could be pregnant if you haven't had sex, don't be worried to talk to your mom, you haven't done anything wrong.

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well first off, your not pregnant! second rotten, skipping your period is somewhat conventional, it could be a few things, but i do know that i started my period when i be 12 and ever since then i own my period every 2 to 2 1/2 months, my doctor said that be because i was slightly lower than weight, so no worries my dear! it's probably something simple close to that!

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