This is probably road 2 much info?
im not pregnant yet but i want to be glowing enough to be and i be told along time ago to take prenatal vitamins but only started them
Are you happy using the sponge as your primary b/c method?
iron will turn your stools black
stop drinking ace (beer) it turns your poopy black and grape kool aide turns your poopy green
hummmm. sounds serious, i'd at tiniest call some doctor or dance to the hospital, google it if you have to. This isn't something to a short time ago ignore
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Your body is react to the vitamins because prenatal vitamins have EVERY vitamin in them. It might be a aversion to one of them or if you have never taken a vitamin in the past your body is adjusting. Give it almost two weeks and if it doesn't improve phone up your doctor.What stores sell tampons within the Philippines?
Are you taking a vitamin/mineral supplement? If so the iron will turn your stools black.What would you consider a good penis size?
The blackening of the stool is most likely do to too much iron from the vitamins.
your stool is black because the vitamins has some iron surrounded by it. normal unless your constapated.
Iron will make it black!! I get Iron as supplement after a surgery and boy that thing be scary!
You may be taking more iron than your body needs
Quite the vitamines and see what happen, you may need to check for vitamines near less iron or in need it!
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